3.2 Object creation through domain exploration

While we've passed this corner of the world before, in the previous essentialisation, we didn't focus on its utility to enough of a degree. Thus let us explore the creation of objects for the uilding of new domains, through the use of the domains themselves.

As we know, our domains are:


They are the essential tools for bringing the idea of an object back to the earth, from it's origin in our thought domain, what we definitely need for this is an object and their are several easy ways to develop an idea of an object.

These tools are called generators, because they permit the creation of new concepts, per their selected portions. However to keep entertaining my mind, we will set out to find something beyond our previous discoveries and try to build the object as simply as possible.

Thus we will use a desire generator, through which I will begin to describe the object of interest. Our desire generator will function by taking basic words of description as anchors and locate something that fits their description through additional words and association.

the words used are as follows:

Something interesting
Something useful
Capable of change
Able to be used with other objects
Capable of definition

From here we attempt to locate an object that fits the definition by adding more to the words:

Something interesting -> in artwork
Something useful -> in creating
Capable of change -> Through modification
Able to be used with other objects -> Such as paper or clay
Capable of definition -> Creates detail

Our resulting object of interest are:

Shaping shapes, shapes used for creating certain preoccured details to artwork or clay with a large variety of difference.

Thus we have a defined tool of interest that hasn't really been used before, although I imagine artists have used similar tools before. These objects come in a variety of forms and are used for making different shapes on paper or in clay, in the manner of tracing them.

We must now attempt to have the idea arrive on earth and the best way to do this is to use shred, which is a concept that revolves around shredding failed ideas on how to bring the idea to the earth. What you do essentially is try to figure out how to make it work, with the first idea and following ideas based of your limitations. A helpful addition is also using the five domains of basis as a direction to travel in. Thus we do what we claimed to show an example:

Shaping shapes are to be located within the visibility domain, this means objects within visibility will greatly encourage the manifestation of this tool.

From there we realize that while we could make shapes through sculpting them with clay ( ironic ) we do not have clay in this case and thus we shred that idea and move on to something easier to acquire based on our limitation.

We could use objects we find within the outdoors to better find random shapes to create both texture and shape within our object creating or in this case location.

Thus we have two options that are reletively attainable (although they are different for sure)

All we need for the traceable objects is 3dimensional shapes, thus we have acquired a means of getting them through locating 3dimensional shapes in the outdoors, this is relitively inexpensive as well, costing only a walk of exploration.

However, lets try a different example, after noting that one must be careful to ensure the idea actually functions and sometimes this takes experimentation to achieve.

Our second example is as follows:

Something collectible -> Small object
Something functional -> Useful for magic
Something with usefulness -> can be decoded
Different color combinations -> potential for different results
Capable of unique versions -> collected and different
Geojewels, small clay or other maliable materials that form interesting geometric and collectible shapes which are used for various uses including magic spells or generating things from them.

These are quite simple to make, although they require the same root of travel towards their manifestation as the shaping shapes, whats different about them is their tought domain quality, which enables them to be used for other perposes beyond art shaping.

Thus these objects are required to lead to a connection in the thought space while we already know the visible space, let us travel to that location and use the very tool we have already made as a means of creating magic and generative capacities to these objects.

If we had an orange Geojewel , with yellow spots on it and green specks, we simply have to list them out like we did to generate our previous two topics and locate a magic and object based of the description:

Orange -> Energy and Fire
Yellow spots -> Wealth and Power
Green specks -> Drawing in and Transforming

We now have two things in one, that are optionally usable for either purpose. The first is the Geojewel itself that draws in wealth and energy, for use in both locating money and as a battery of sorts for other magical workings and a new invention that follows from the second idea inside the Geojewel.

Which is:

The tools for making fire artwork as a working study of interest.

Thus it is the study of making semi-flamable objects for use in fire artwork, studying the four main groups of substances required, we know that we require metals, meltables, flamables and chemicals for changing the color of fire.

We know this because we asked what could possibly be required for that idea to work and realised exactly what we needed for the tools in question.

Essentially if their is anything to learn from this topic, it is the four points that follow:

  1. Using generators to locate objects like the described desire.
  2. Using shred in relation to domains to know how to acquire the object of interest.
  3. Modifying the way we use generators creates new versions of generators.
  4. Using this in tandem with planetary travel allows for the beginnings of world creation.
Summarising each sentence to finish this off:

We use a generator by writing down groups of words and then try to find something within that specific set of words that can be built, sometimes using shred to locate the functional version that we can construct and or make ourselves without other requirements.

Shred is the capacity to locate through reducing errors a functional form of the oject desired or locating an oject that is possible in our current location. We do this by trying to make the object in our head and resolving the problems relating to it.

Generators are of many kinds, as we saw with both the default given one and the geojewel example, in simplicity generators are anchored ideas used to orient a new idea into being, by giving yourself rules of construct, wich both limit and unlimit your creative power.

While we aren't covering the whole concept of planetary travel and objects in tandem in this blog post, we will in the next, although in simplicity it is the designing of a world through both locating a planet and using objects on that surface that can carry themes and greater goals.

Finally, we know that we should spend time working on generating things we actually want and working on those topics of interest, rather then trying to make just anything at all.

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