Wednesday, January 22, 2020

World #Pb-2

So, let us begin the journey to the world that we are headed for in the tendrils of mind and the matters around us. We will use the Unneon table for this and we will drive the ship towards the pheyscaptical, physics past and the celestial bodies we have yet explored in deeper detail. To do so, one may want to know how to back to before and further that we are here for a short period.

To begin, we will draw the world at a distance of its outer space and celestial body, which here will be done so as to be a planar planet and so it will do things different in its ways and spring from a likeness to something around us. We will do this by drawing the body in its sky and then study the landscape by presuming the smaller details mean larger parts of its smaller world.

These images first drawn will not reveal much more then scenery and stranger parts of the world still known little about. The way it will reveal the greater world will be in this case especially creative.

Although the Unneon table shown here will reveal the worlds subjects and curiosity when further ventured after this blog post on its nature from afar. This will happen after this post on another blog linked to this one by the same manner as above.

So let us look at another world different from today and our ways. Taken from the glass and painted cactus cup that sits next to me and the greater world that it reveals will be of its likeness, because the planets are traveled like this, it's ways however are not like our own, done differently.

As it is a world of the Versiz, beings of balloon organics.

Pickleblot 2, minor quarantine zone, of the Versize spread...

I have met the Versize before in two places across the multiverse before and this is a third occasion where we will visit an isolated part of their dominion, as a race of mostly friendly beings who repopulate by death and spread over materials. 

For this reason they are feared in other lands, for if their frail bodies pop they increase in number, their plant like nature makes them popular but illegal possessions and their wiser Piggle caretakers sometimes become evil and try to spread themselves across infinity. 

Versiz, enjoy coffee, which is where they are found most often. As anywhere that produces natural coffee in the ground or sky, is a place where Versize grow and frolic for its luxury. They like it because it fills their balloon bodies with fluid and allows them respite and a calm demeanor.

Below are some Piggles enjoying coffee.

Piggles live in homes made of donated supplies given to them to help encourage them not to spread across the world so that they can be comfortable. These are usually given to them when other races need help moving spread Versize from their worlds due to illegal transportation or evil piggles. 

Since piggles know the best ways to move versize without popping them, the charge is gifts of other worlds however. They understand the concern about them being spread around in most cases, but due to this they also cannot visit worlds and so they want your world among theirs somehow.

Evil piggles form from not enough coffee, if this happens they will escape the quarantine and spread themselves elsewhere as they can smell coffee at distances of immense length. 

The problem is when corrupted they are too busy killing each other and spreading themselves, to drink coffee and so they must be calmed by others. So one must dump coffee on them to calm them down, the problem is new worlds who don't know this. 

As they absorb coffee by skin and even by roots grown into coffee mugs.

Since killing Piggles only makes more of them and they also would rather not do this, they are simply left alone in most cases and when their is no concern, they can live forever.

The world greater and beyond them is not what they care about instead it is here what they enjoy most and this is coffee. They like the differences they collect, but only to get coffee and the different places they've gathered their so called gifts for Coffee they don't mind other's come and visit.

The fear other's have is mostly when they come to you, the kindness of cute and cheerful beings the piggles are comes when you visit them and don't take their coffee without it being a gift.

They have the best coffee, but its wiser not to take what they don't offer and they more often offer a tour of the places they have been given memories of, for wanting coffee. Their logic unlike the humans of earth, seems somewhat offensive in some ways because they expect gifts to leave and want something they pick but welcome other options if this is not possible. 

So often they stay where they are and sometimes they are a risk if observation and precautions others can prevent by observation aren't done, but they are harmless when not a risk of ones world being turned to Versize. Versize will grow from any membrane left on your body or object after a burst of attacked Piggle or Versize, which always makes the situation worse while they laugh maniacally.

They are however fine when not hungering for coffee and in some ways they teach well the lesson that harm is worse then solution and even then they don't think like you when they want something in return once given coffee, to leave politely. They can't do anything about those who collect Versize from their home, because they only reproduce when thirsty for coffee, but will gladly help get rid of them after an accident, if you share something they like from the options they provide.

If you can't they'll say its okay and pick another something they like, they will say:

"Nope, i like that."

In another's offer, but will say:

"Yay, yay, I like that, thank you."

If you give it to them, but if you ever hear:


You better run and find coffee, because they are corrupted by a little less of the good morning drink.

So, let us go visit the land of the Piggles here in the middle of nowhere, where it rains coffee and discover some strange objects they've gathered, from anywhere in the Omniverse. Where they will gladly tell the story, of how they got it, if you ask politely.

If you don't they say:

"Boo, you are rude."

And wiggle run away. The place where we will meet them, is found here, but isn't necessarily found here until I am done writing that today, instead only where it will be is there, the link will change when I am done writing this experience of the world in the post called:

Pickleblot 2, Minor quarantine zone of the Piggles.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

4.1 : The celestial world on the way back from the outer worlds.

Wildcard set out to build a better example on his way back from who knows where after having transported himself there, thus he will travel through the celestial sphere all the way back to Incompletia, passing through the three blogs he's currently been to.

He will firstly draw a picture, which will be the base for the celestial travel:

Then he will travel from his current position in the brown, to the yellow, moving only through constellations of the image and perhaps interacting with stuff along the way:

Wildcard found a new ability to give himself a dog nose on the way.

He arrived here:

Friday, January 4, 2019

3.6: The idea of other planets in Sky Earth

Each destinction creates in turn new landscapes which are not as explored as the three we have seen. For example:

  • Midsky is that of the sky island (skylands)
  • Midearth is that of the full underground (cavelands)
  • Caveskylands is that of inner worlds in asteroids
  • Mid after this becomes geometries. Such as curved domains.
  • Sky becomes absent space
  • Earth becomes filled space

Thus it becomes more interesting to draw these domains then to simply dwell in the single known one.

Wildcard discovered other planets in the skyearth domain, he realized something spectacular about it, they each had different laws and potential ascription ( meaning they can exist in other arrangements then this ) and thus were other planets in this one:

The sun is a space of memetic worlds

The residing space of meme universes like the one being experienced on these sets of blogs, for this reason the best example is in progress and used. It could be argued that it is a lightweight interface for several different universes and this is why I compared it to the sun. However as noted it is not the only arrangement. The best description of the memetic world in progress is:

Characters roaming through a blog on an adventure while updating the blogs ideas. Like this very post.

The rest of the worlds will be updated in time.

The mercury is a space of modeled worlds

We can create worlds with clay, that is well known:

The venus is a space of drawn worlds

A drawing of something:

Which can be a defined form of anything, but is useful for creativity as well.

The moon is a space of projection worlds

We will use an actual object and call it something else.

The earth is a space of constructed worlds

Putting things together like in the real world. Which is designed according to how it is.

The mars is a space of virtual worlds

A videogame, or virtual scene. This will be a background for our wold, but is not yet show able.

The jupiter is a space of filmed worlds

We will show a film of the world.

The Saturn is a space of linguistic worlds

We will give it life with words and descriptions.

The uranus is a space of pottery worlds

We will use an actual piece of pottery.

The neptune is a space of musical worlds

playing music in the background that describes the sound of the world.

The pluto is a space of celestial worlds

And some form of celestial knowledge shall be made of it

This is where the video will be:

And so Wild card had discovered the means to inter celestial travel, within Skyearth and had ended up in a strange other worldly land.

The green things were a strange unprecedented form of still life, next to wondrous stones and mysterious drop offs.

Wildcard was pleased, he wanted to go tell Pharath and friends.

But because of its vastness, Wildcard would have to come and go from this post, to expound the different planets he'd discovered. 

Wild card decided to walk back through several worlds and arrive suddenly through the next day! He would post his journey here on the most recent post of this blog.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

3.5 Bringing the idea to the goal

Within this page, we will attempt to use the substances we have created to locate a tool for making dimensional travel easier and more physical, through studying the natures of those original and later qualities of the 4 elements on the rings. Then we will summarize the two topics (simplified portal travel and object generating physics ) in relation to the 5 domains, before moving on with the goal towards something greater.

  1. Motion
  2. deconstruction
  3. cleaning
  4. erosion
  5. reflecting
  1. Growth
  2. Expansion
  3. Seeding
  4. Reproducing
  5. Pathway
  1. Healing
  2. Blowing
  3. Dropping
  4. Twisting
  5. Temperance
  1. Painting
  2. Shaping
  3. Shading
  4. Forming
  5. Creating
Taking these basic components and potential depths in question, we will attempt to find something that makes dimensonal physicalisation simpler, such that we can more easily travel to other dimensions with object creation as part of this goal.

Their are four basic forms of short root travel that I am familiar with, they are below:
  1. Physical walking to another dimension in the sky earth.
  2. Literary exploration through authorship across the worlds
  3. Artistic transferrence of the idea onto either image or video game
  4. Object creation to bring the world closer to the reality we want.
However, the first three could be better, due to the first not making the thing new, the second lacks visuals at all and the third while containing visuals fails to have accurate realisism to its qualities.

Thus we will attempt to find four more from among our rules of physics created:

deconstruction, expansion, dropping, shaping : 

Constructing actual locations on your own, containing other worldly natures within locations that are appropriate for creation of worlds, such that they can be there and used for their purposes, these require alot of work and my be safely kept and cared for.

forming, expansion, temperance, motion :

Constructing model worlds with various degrees of relevance and design, to create a miniature version of that other world for use in showing the smaller world to the people and or pleasure of yourself, this is an interesting and potentially fun work, but it cannot be entered like the first potential world.

growth, deconstruction, healing, shaping:

House modification, constructing a world within your home, such that it is like a theme of interest within the world that you own,  A place of a certain theme within the world at large and a place of one new dimension of reality. This could be a fun project for those intereste.

Thus we now have 7 potential means of travel to other domains of reality:
  1. Physical walking
  2. Literary exploration
  3. Artistic transferrence
  4. Object creation
  5. Constructing locations
  6. Model making
  7. House moding
Essentially, their are several potential means of working with our reality to go to other realities, but they are all requiring work to successfully travel too, although their is some potential in virtual reality wich already exists and was not completely mentioned. The problem with each however is the creational aspect, because one has to actually work to create the manifestation of the world they wish.

In relation to what we've discussed previously, their are 5 domains of basic reality and three of spatial reality ( sky, earth and sky earth ) thus their are several means of travel between these different locations, but no true way to instantly travel across the strokes of them in completion. Can I find a simpler means, the problem is when it requires altering objects instantly, I would have to find a faster root.

Thus the following page is the travel towards a faster root, but this is not including energy which I have yet to understand, thus the technology is quite limited. The only thing I can currently thing of is a means of quickly contructing the objects.

But this final problem, is quite the problem of work, but if found would successfully change the situation of absorbtion into realities.

I have one idea, the we will discuss following this first step down to the earth from the infinity in the thought domain and visible one.

Thus I bid thy farewell.


Arriving from another blog, which he will refer to in this post, a blog written previously. Wildcard arrives at a distant edge and is uncertain what will come of the end of that which is gone too far?

This is a dog deman, who lives in the distant lands of the wolves, he is on the search for some other land beyond the ring, but he wonders what this man, who came before him found first.

So he peaks around the corner, just off the edge of that ring, much like the man before him and finds:

and concludes that he left even farther! Then he realized that man became Wildcard!

And remembered the whale! Which came swiftly for three days!

He went from man to dog Deman very quickly and created his own world, separate from that of the one here, but entirely unique from this one.

But this isn't the edge of the ring, nope. This is where it began and perhaps this is a better root!

A memetic universe!

One which travels over its own space of creation and explores new realms of advancement to previous ends!

Because Wildcard is about to add, with connection between, the sky, earth and skyearth model to his world. He will thus have to modify his drawing of the world!

This means he must find a way to the sky, and past it, into the edge of the solar system! With nothing but space, spirit, scaffolding and the various other things of his craft, which is the earth! He will use a diversity of the above and alternate means of world travel!

Starting by going to the moon, for that he will need to build a spaceship, which provides a means of darkness and then illumination by the moon!

He thinks for a moment and concludes that the sky is a perfect window in winter! Luckily its winter!

However, he concludes that is pretty far, compared to his current spot in space, in the night!

So he has to find something to do until his arrival at the moon, which is his first step once again! Only more lengthy!

He decides a space walk could be fun!

So he goes for one, but he uses cards with him, such that he can do something fun by being inspired by them, to do something.

So he selects two special cards he made:

He decides he could also make cards while he passes the time!

But he selected two meanings from them:

Their are Bacteria in space, that want to rare strings.

He concludes that he should find food for them, in the hopes that they will give him something in return.

Wildcard will be back, with his story of the walk, but for now he has this to offer:

On his walk he past through an abandoned plasma ship and discovered another driving by to some destination, then he saw the edge of the leash he was attached to on his way to the dwelling place of the space bacteria. It tugged on him as he went, keeping the houseship and him in near orbit, then he saw that the bacteria already had food due to space debris and garbage.

So he concluded that later he would focus on a way to use garbage as well as more to do in space while he was traveling to the edge of the ring.

But he would continue his work in a projection of his home world! Thus he will post the next post in the meaningandbeyond blog!

3.4 Physical expansion

We will be expanding the physical system in this blog post, through making details not present previously within the physical rules. We will do this by adding more information regarding each physical variable, towards creating new objects not seen previously. The 4 grouping of physics relating to the elements are as follows:

  1. Motion
  2. deconstruction
  3. cleaning
  4. erosion
  5. reflecting
  1. Growth
  2. Expansion
  3. Seeding
  4. Reproducing
  5. Pathway
  1. Healing
  2. Blowing
  3. Dropping
  4. Twisting
  5. Temperance
  1. Painting
  2. Shaping
  3. Shading
  4. Forming
  5. Creating
To do what we are going to do requires that we take each substance quality and expand on it significantly through better definition and then decide what makes it up physically, through which we will control the abilities of this elemental based universe.


Motion is the ability to move, to act and to behave a certain way within the motion of itself or other, this force permits the world to exist and thing like the orbit of the ring are thanks to the motion quality. 

Traveling through the domain, we encounter new qualities within this substance, specifically:

Blur and Steps, the two componet substances of motion, which permit its existence in the first place.

They function according to the blur which propels the moving object in a certain direction when contact is made and the steps wich plan out the direction of travel within the motion, through their dual interaction the two create the general aspects of motion.


Deconstruction is the substance effect that permits the deconstruction of the things we want or occur naturally in this manner, an example of deconstruction is rust or burning wood and the various forms it comes in are relevant.

However, in looking at the new depth of quality within this substance, we find:

Taking and Tearing, which are the features of this substance.

Taking moves the substances that have been teared and this creates the deconstruction through tearing and taking the substance, the motion of the substsance is relevant because depending on where the substance goes different results transpire.


Cleaning is the quality of becoming clean and removing a mess from something that was originally dirty, but became clean with the addition of a substance with this quality, an exampe would be water or soap and its interaction with dirt.

The qualities that are deeper in the substance elementals are as follows:

Wiping and Scrubing, which are the qualities of the elements depth.

Wiping helps remove the physical feature from the area while Scrubing helps initially with detaching the substance from its location on the object. 


Erosion is the slow polishing of an object over time, it shortens and smooths out an aspect of the substance such that it becomes smoothed out, examples of this feature include water and wind erosion 

The deeper substance qualities are already mentioned but lets repeat them:

Polishing and Smoothing are the qualities in subject.

Polishing creates a sheen to the area through its own substance of functioning, while smoothing removes portions of the substance from the area, in a manner similar to deconstruction.


Reflecting is the capacity for something to have a reflective brilliance and is the root of the shining things in the world, thus it is a useful tool for developping new worlds with brilliance, its examples include water, mirrors and metals.

The deeper quality of this substance is:

Sheen and bend.

The first nature creates the reflection of the quality it faces in a manner that is complex and mirroring the nature of that other thing, the second is bend wich refers to the difference in the sheen that relates to the object and whether or not it takes up an identical shape.

Having acquired the first five substances lets switch it up and see what kind of object we can create with some of its rules, permitting it to become useful once again.

Taking, Steps, Wiping, Polishing, Sheen = Shoe mops

This created shoe mops, shoes used to mop the ground instead of using a mop. 

This is because we took the taking and steps quality, with the wiping, polishing and sheen quality and merged them to create the idea of shoe mops.

Let us continue with the substance gathering, but in a shorter manner, due to simplicity of its nature:











This will be the concluding portion of the idea, due to its simplicity, through this manner you can expand the features of the basic elements you choose to create new phenomenons, such that it permits the creation of new things within the same rules as previously stated.

It is useful to generate new qualities when constructing a new concept and thus it is a useful feature for creating new things within a world constraint. 

Friday, March 9, 2018

3.3 To the rings of saturn and jupiter.

Today's second blog post is about travel to the rings of saturn and jupiter and the physics of this other location between those two planets and what we will construct with the physics of that other world. Thus it will use everything I've discussed thus far.

We begin by seeking out the domain of interest and its physical relations to the earth within the domains of reality. We will travel in the skyearth direction to get there and reach it shortly, but the world between two planets is quite different from earth and even the moon.

Thus we will have to find the potential roots to seeing this other world within the skyearth location of reality.

We will call the sky earth portion the ring of saturn, such that it is now shaped like a ring and the poles are wormholes across the earth, thus it is a way to cross over the planet that is saturn.

Saturn is the sun, since it is clearly of the color yellow and we surround it with great adventures on the ring of life! Such that the planet at the center of the orbit of the ring is fascinating, however, we must figure out why their is night, since their is no saturn then.

I have concluded that the moon and night is the shadow of the planet in the sky, crossing through that shadow in our orbit creates the night we live in and the moon is literally the moon of saturn as it passes by over the ring and around again.

Their are four planets within the ring aswell, the first is called Terra and is green and blue, the second is called Venus and is yellow and gold, the third is called mars and is of the colors red and brown and the last is luna and is white and grey.

Below the skyearth portion of the reality, their dwells the great and powerful Saturn, which forms the sediment of the ring, traveling beneath the surface is a whole other angle of reality that defies the flatness of the ring, for it has a great depth for the flat ring.

However , why do we see earth when leaving the ring?

It is because we dwell on hardly a spec of the ring, thus it is but a portion of the ring as a whole and is among the grains in orbit, the rest of the grains include the other stars in the night sky aswell. But the massive nature of the gas giant at the center is always visible.

So we live on the ring of saturn among the four planets of the world and the great cavern below. However, today is only the begining of this worlds history and thus we should learn about the world we live within.

The following images are the four elements of this new world that I have discovered:





If you haven't noticed these are Geojewels from the previous post, but I've convereted them to physics elemental cores for my own interests. 

What's interesting about this new interpretation is that they still use the certain old qualities but slightly differently, for example you can generate objects from them and physical powers, however they require that you know their physical properties to create the objects in question.

Thus we will begin the study of the physics of this world:

The ring however is not related to the construction of objects in this case, because the planet saturn radiates an energy that produces the basic physicality, but it is the elements that permit the transformation of the basic physicality (blue, green, yellow, gold, red, brown, white, grey) into functional objects. Since it is the elements that transform the basic physicality into substances with functionality.

However, the origin of these elements is mysterious because they appear across the universe, the basic rule for their appearence is the existence of another set somewhere and they come about from creation, such that the insperation causes the recurrence of their natures, although they can be different in shape, their nature aswell.

The properties of these four elements are quite unique and dependent on their shape:
  1. Glutrine : Reptile of water, thing of motion and the quality of fire and liquid.
  2. Melling : Vine of the stone, thing of growth and expansion, quality of the earth.
  3. Ventrix : Bellowing of the tear, Thing of the healing in the thought, quality of the wind.
  4. Acsume : Fruit of the paint, thing of the creativity in workings, quality of paint.

Thus we have our basic hints for the understanding of the physical systems of this reality and their potential uses could very well become appereant soon.

The first element, Glutrine has the power over motion and the fires and waters of the ring, thus it is the substance in which we study the qualities of those things and their relationships to motion.

Melling is the second element and is the thing of growth and expansion within the element of the earth, this is what we learn of its kind and this is what we gain from it as a plant of growing form.

Ventrix is the following thing in nature, the repairity of the things we think and see, the quality of the lowing and cool air aswell. We look into these things to heal our powers without energy, this is key.

The final element when put in more detail ( Acsume ) has power of the working itself, the additional and the creativity of its forms, it is the paint, the color and the form. Through this comes the diversity.

Put in essence, each element has a rule bound to it that enforces the usage of the physicality to create the nature of the world we see, through the substances it permits, this limit causes us to think within its guidelines to find things to build. Following this I will list a few limitations of the elements we observe, before working out an object from them.


  1. Motion
  2. deconstruction
  3. cleaning
  4. erosion
  5. reflecting
  1. Growth
  2. Expansion
  3. Seeding
  4. Reproducing
  5. Pathway
  1. Healing
  2. Blowing
  3. Dropping
  4. Twisting
  5. Temperance
  1. Painting
  2. Shaping
  3. Shading
  4. Forming
  5. Creating
Those are the limitations of our world, within this exploration the existence we have, we are limited to these functions to open up the world we live in after traveling there, thus we will use this system of physics to construct an object.

However, note that their are two more posts before the reduction of the system, thus we will preplan to write of more details to the physics to open up more wonders of the system and set out to find a secret goal of mine within this structure already present.

What shall we construct through the rules we have laid out? Let us look below to find out.

Our selected limitations are reflecting, pathway, dropping and shape and it created:

An inconspicuous jar of paperclips

This is what it created, a strange object that was built from the rules of physics we devised, what it is is a jar tht stores information in paperclips through morse code, by using two shapes to represent the word memory as something other then that.

It is useful for storing important or secret information within something reletively inconspicuous and was generated using the words above, because thats how it works.

Lets do another one! The words are:

  • erosion
  • reproducing
  • twisting
  • shading

Using these words, associations and shred, we created:

A rusted shade

A strange object structure I cannot really make with my rescources, atleast in its complete form, as it would require paint or nanotechnology at the shortest length. What it is however, is shadow that takes on a rusty appearence rather then a black like appearence. 

This could be done in an unmoved fashion with paint, or in a more complex world actualy moving particles that detect shade sufficiently.

In any case, the idea is defined as the above picture attempts to replicate and thus is still an interesting idea thats been brought closer to reality.

Lets try two more! The words are:

  • Motion
  • deconstruction
  • cleaning
  • erosion
This was taken from a single Geojewel

I am not making this one physically because it isn't that interesting, but it inspired a long tube used to blow dust around and thus is a strange opposite way of sweeping/vacumming the floor although I imagine you'd be out of breath after a while, similar constructs are work vacuums where you suck in the dust, but a portion of the set up blocks breathing in the dust.

The last one is as follows:

  • reproducing
  • twisting
  • forming
  • expansion
This one is suprising because I'm genuinely unsure why these aren't already made often.

Put simply they are just preshaped balloons for parties and the like that when blown up take on a shape specified, rather then requiring to be folded into one or not at all. This could be done through shaping the latex accordingly. I cannot make this myself due to not knowing how.

The conclusion!

With the help of any physical limitation we can create special worlds and substances within them, even though the greater world permits more then that single world, but it is the pregiven limitation for your world that creates it in a specific way, permitting travel across many brod universes!

I personally however enjoy exploring and studying their differences.

3.2 Object creation through domain exploration

While we've passed this corner of the world before, in the previous essentialisation, we didn't focus on its utility to enough of a degree. Thus let us explore the creation of objects for the uilding of new domains, through the use of the domains themselves.

As we know, our domains are:


They are the essential tools for bringing the idea of an object back to the earth, from it's origin in our thought domain, what we definitely need for this is an object and their are several easy ways to develop an idea of an object.

These tools are called generators, because they permit the creation of new concepts, per their selected portions. However to keep entertaining my mind, we will set out to find something beyond our previous discoveries and try to build the object as simply as possible.

Thus we will use a desire generator, through which I will begin to describe the object of interest. Our desire generator will function by taking basic words of description as anchors and locate something that fits their description through additional words and association.

the words used are as follows:

Something interesting
Something useful
Capable of change
Able to be used with other objects
Capable of definition

From here we attempt to locate an object that fits the definition by adding more to the words:

Something interesting -> in artwork
Something useful -> in creating
Capable of change -> Through modification
Able to be used with other objects -> Such as paper or clay
Capable of definition -> Creates detail

Our resulting object of interest are:

Shaping shapes, shapes used for creating certain preoccured details to artwork or clay with a large variety of difference.

Thus we have a defined tool of interest that hasn't really been used before, although I imagine artists have used similar tools before. These objects come in a variety of forms and are used for making different shapes on paper or in clay, in the manner of tracing them.

We must now attempt to have the idea arrive on earth and the best way to do this is to use shred, which is a concept that revolves around shredding failed ideas on how to bring the idea to the earth. What you do essentially is try to figure out how to make it work, with the first idea and following ideas based of your limitations. A helpful addition is also using the five domains of basis as a direction to travel in. Thus we do what we claimed to show an example:

Shaping shapes are to be located within the visibility domain, this means objects within visibility will greatly encourage the manifestation of this tool.

From there we realize that while we could make shapes through sculpting them with clay ( ironic ) we do not have clay in this case and thus we shred that idea and move on to something easier to acquire based on our limitation.

We could use objects we find within the outdoors to better find random shapes to create both texture and shape within our object creating or in this case location.

Thus we have two options that are reletively attainable (although they are different for sure)

All we need for the traceable objects is 3dimensional shapes, thus we have acquired a means of getting them through locating 3dimensional shapes in the outdoors, this is relitively inexpensive as well, costing only a walk of exploration.

However, lets try a different example, after noting that one must be careful to ensure the idea actually functions and sometimes this takes experimentation to achieve.

Our second example is as follows:

Something collectible -> Small object
Something functional -> Useful for magic
Something with usefulness -> can be decoded
Different color combinations -> potential for different results
Capable of unique versions -> collected and different
Geojewels, small clay or other maliable materials that form interesting geometric and collectible shapes which are used for various uses including magic spells or generating things from them.

These are quite simple to make, although they require the same root of travel towards their manifestation as the shaping shapes, whats different about them is their tought domain quality, which enables them to be used for other perposes beyond art shaping.

Thus these objects are required to lead to a connection in the thought space while we already know the visible space, let us travel to that location and use the very tool we have already made as a means of creating magic and generative capacities to these objects.

If we had an orange Geojewel , with yellow spots on it and green specks, we simply have to list them out like we did to generate our previous two topics and locate a magic and object based of the description:

Orange -> Energy and Fire
Yellow spots -> Wealth and Power
Green specks -> Drawing in and Transforming

We now have two things in one, that are optionally usable for either purpose. The first is the Geojewel itself that draws in wealth and energy, for use in both locating money and as a battery of sorts for other magical workings and a new invention that follows from the second idea inside the Geojewel.

Which is:

The tools for making fire artwork as a working study of interest.

Thus it is the study of making semi-flamable objects for use in fire artwork, studying the four main groups of substances required, we know that we require metals, meltables, flamables and chemicals for changing the color of fire.

We know this because we asked what could possibly be required for that idea to work and realised exactly what we needed for the tools in question.

Essentially if their is anything to learn from this topic, it is the four points that follow:

  1. Using generators to locate objects like the described desire.
  2. Using shred in relation to domains to know how to acquire the object of interest.
  3. Modifying the way we use generators creates new versions of generators.
  4. Using this in tandem with planetary travel allows for the beginnings of world creation.
Summarising each sentence to finish this off:

We use a generator by writing down groups of words and then try to find something within that specific set of words that can be built, sometimes using shred to locate the functional version that we can construct and or make ourselves without other requirements.

Shred is the capacity to locate through reducing errors a functional form of the oject desired or locating an oject that is possible in our current location. We do this by trying to make the object in our head and resolving the problems relating to it.

Generators are of many kinds, as we saw with both the default given one and the geojewel example, in simplicity generators are anchored ideas used to orient a new idea into being, by giving yourself rules of construct, wich both limit and unlimit your creative power.

While we aren't covering the whole concept of planetary travel and objects in tandem in this blog post, we will in the next, although in simplicity it is the designing of a world through both locating a planet and using objects on that surface that can carry themes and greater goals.

Finally, we know that we should spend time working on generating things we actually want and working on those topics of interest, rather then trying to make just anything at all.