Bridging micro universe with macro universe

The dog demans wanted to bridge their universe with the smaller universe they had initially programmed, such that it could be used to attain higher ground and thus work their way to the edge of the multiverse clusters, for this they needed access to both codes:

They then began trying to find the simpler ends of either code syntax:

small universe:

var Info = 9

FUNCTION circumstance:

[get.FILE(//file.this)} + info = something


dog deman universe:

elements = 0

var thing = object
(animal : what.behavior






Then the dog demans merged the code with a bridge:

but the dog demans found a universal code instead.

So they concluded that they needed to study the code to know universes but could not see out of the code, except deeper in the code. Thus they found the subcode, for the reality:


and they concluded they needed a simple difference from the source code:

value _9 = rDi

wonder situel = value

But they realized further that they could genSpawn any script, known or unknown:

because the blue extrapolation ==

Swirling up good:

value of 9 = re-direction

wonder situation looks at situation direction

And thus they learned they needed to go up, from here, so they switched language entirely:


generate composite = truman:
unrestrain situation/ 0:

predicting incoming -> null.

and they concluded that it functioned, predicting an incoming event, so they permitted it.

setting out to investigate the prediction:



so they headed off to find what would happen.

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