Saturday, March 10, 2018

3.4 Physical expansion

We will be expanding the physical system in this blog post, through making details not present previously within the physical rules. We will do this by adding more information regarding each physical variable, towards creating new objects not seen previously. The 4 grouping of physics relating to the elements are as follows:

  1. Motion
  2. deconstruction
  3. cleaning
  4. erosion
  5. reflecting
  1. Growth
  2. Expansion
  3. Seeding
  4. Reproducing
  5. Pathway
  1. Healing
  2. Blowing
  3. Dropping
  4. Twisting
  5. Temperance
  1. Painting
  2. Shaping
  3. Shading
  4. Forming
  5. Creating
To do what we are going to do requires that we take each substance quality and expand on it significantly through better definition and then decide what makes it up physically, through which we will control the abilities of this elemental based universe.


Motion is the ability to move, to act and to behave a certain way within the motion of itself or other, this force permits the world to exist and thing like the orbit of the ring are thanks to the motion quality. 

Traveling through the domain, we encounter new qualities within this substance, specifically:

Blur and Steps, the two componet substances of motion, which permit its existence in the first place.

They function according to the blur which propels the moving object in a certain direction when contact is made and the steps wich plan out the direction of travel within the motion, through their dual interaction the two create the general aspects of motion.


Deconstruction is the substance effect that permits the deconstruction of the things we want or occur naturally in this manner, an example of deconstruction is rust or burning wood and the various forms it comes in are relevant.

However, in looking at the new depth of quality within this substance, we find:

Taking and Tearing, which are the features of this substance.

Taking moves the substances that have been teared and this creates the deconstruction through tearing and taking the substance, the motion of the substsance is relevant because depending on where the substance goes different results transpire.


Cleaning is the quality of becoming clean and removing a mess from something that was originally dirty, but became clean with the addition of a substance with this quality, an exampe would be water or soap and its interaction with dirt.

The qualities that are deeper in the substance elementals are as follows:

Wiping and Scrubing, which are the qualities of the elements depth.

Wiping helps remove the physical feature from the area while Scrubing helps initially with detaching the substance from its location on the object. 


Erosion is the slow polishing of an object over time, it shortens and smooths out an aspect of the substance such that it becomes smoothed out, examples of this feature include water and wind erosion 

The deeper substance qualities are already mentioned but lets repeat them:

Polishing and Smoothing are the qualities in subject.

Polishing creates a sheen to the area through its own substance of functioning, while smoothing removes portions of the substance from the area, in a manner similar to deconstruction.


Reflecting is the capacity for something to have a reflective brilliance and is the root of the shining things in the world, thus it is a useful tool for developping new worlds with brilliance, its examples include water, mirrors and metals.

The deeper quality of this substance is:

Sheen and bend.

The first nature creates the reflection of the quality it faces in a manner that is complex and mirroring the nature of that other thing, the second is bend wich refers to the difference in the sheen that relates to the object and whether or not it takes up an identical shape.

Having acquired the first five substances lets switch it up and see what kind of object we can create with some of its rules, permitting it to become useful once again.

Taking, Steps, Wiping, Polishing, Sheen = Shoe mops

This created shoe mops, shoes used to mop the ground instead of using a mop. 

This is because we took the taking and steps quality, with the wiping, polishing and sheen quality and merged them to create the idea of shoe mops.

Let us continue with the substance gathering, but in a shorter manner, due to simplicity of its nature:











This will be the concluding portion of the idea, due to its simplicity, through this manner you can expand the features of the basic elements you choose to create new phenomenons, such that it permits the creation of new things within the same rules as previously stated.

It is useful to generate new qualities when constructing a new concept and thus it is a useful feature for creating new things within a world constraint. 

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