Wednesday, March 7, 2018

1.4: Cornerstone of the anchor

1.1🌎Places containing objects are in this view other worlds based on what is within them. To arrive at a new location in the multiverse of things, we reduce the non-functional versions of the objects in question. Knowing what object we seek permits us to get there with the help of reduction through shred. A means of locating a thing to travel to, is a whaling ( a thing we don't know ). This is a form of reaction between and unknown and a guess. Defining an interest or groups interest creates different anchors, each anchor is a basic root of guidance knowledge, through which we inquire to access parts of the world that do not yet exist in the physical world.

1.2🌎Thus, a domain is information that is either mental or physical, domains are actions of mental or physical reality. Timespace travel is going through different domains. Domains are 4 dimensional objects, containing objects and time. Different domains have different laws and thus if laws define the reality we live in, then different domains are different worlds.

💥Bound together through their different similarities.

7💢Thus the creation of new domains creates new worlds.

7⚡But their are issues involved that must be discussed from this simplified view.

7/1.2🔲🌎 The existence of separate worlds, creates tensions between worlds when a domain is denied existing by another while clearly being visible as what it is defined. This will be advancing the topic of chem reaction which was not explained in this post.

1.3🌎 A domain is a group made of itself ( other domains ) because all is a domain, their are an infinite amount of potential domains, starting from a base of 5 initial reactionary domains, or base numbers from 1-5. Each reacts with any other, thus their is an infinite production of domains or objects from the initial five that produce each other+ because every product produces more other.

1🔲Anchors keep us grounded within one world domain, a domain is a multidimensional group of domains that begin with five basic domains we can know, that to some degree we all agree exist in some form. Domains create other domains through bond reactions.

💥What we want to do is simplify and detail the domain anchors, to keep one grounded.

2⚡Remember that an anchor is a specific domain that we use to know the rest.

2⚡The anchor I am using, is this one of 5 domain directions, which is made of these basic directions.

  1. Space
  2. Time
  3. Atoms
  4. Mind
  5. Reaction
References to the anchor will have an anchor next to it.⚓

2💢While their are other anchors of domain, this is the group I am using as my basis of understanding. Their is a reason why domains related to the divine are not included. Because they cannot be agreed and thus are a side of ones own domains, this is a basic stable ground of general earthly understanding, what is not included is an existent domain that is elsewhere in the domain spectrum.

2⚡Domains are part of a spectrum, they come in ANY forms. Consequence of a location is relevant to that location.

2🔲If you think something impossible, it will not be possible, if you think you can fly exactly now, in the sky, you will not fly because you never knew how unless you begin by knowing what functions in the most agreeable domains.

3💢Thus, you need to know science as it is described at the simplest level, to know what is not possible in this domain time.

3⚡We didn't know how to fly, but now we have airplanes. 

3🔲Thus you need to study, what is relevant to the subject of interest and test the situations visible appearances. ( Atom and Spatial domains ) after having noted the mental subject. 

⚓What follows are the five attempts at defining each domain I am now anchored too. We will rename them to distinguish the definitions we used to explain them. Because this is not the same domain.

Space: The visible portion of reality that we see with our eyes and know with our ears, what was considered the physical reality until atoms were discovered. The observable universe, without a microscope. Thus we will improve communication and call it visible, instead of space. 

⚓Time: The change in the visible or atom ( size ) that is not totally viewed at once but moves in itself ( time ) This is a basic attempt and will be advanced later. Time is the change, lets call it that.

⚓Atom: We will call this size because we will include tool related visibility as size ( thus this is both inclusive of large and small size ( the left and right of that direction).

⚓Mind, what we think of in our head, thus our thoughts on a subject, the analytical portion of reality that we use to explain things to ourselves ( and through a reaction of visible and it, others ) it will be called thought.

⚓Reaction: The way things work together to provide other capacities of use, but we will alter the name to compounds which meet to do new things they didn't do alone.

⚓Thus our anchors are:

  1. Visible
  2. Change
  3. Size
  4. Thought
  5. Compound
These are how they are referred within our thoughts and are our basic resource of directional travel within the time space domains.

💥What do we do now, that we have descended to the earths basic component details.
💥We go wherever we can travel too, from our knowledge essentials.

4⚡To do that, we find somewhere to go.
4⚡As a first example, we should do something simple, objective and useful but not known.

💥We can use those domains to orient the seeking of a goal and select it from the options.

5💢We do this by focusing on the simplicity, objectivity and usefulness domains ( within thought, visible and change ) 

5⚡Because I can note a link between those 6 natures. We can use a whaling to inspire it.

5🔲💢A simon wilk.

5⚡A simulated spin -> A emulation of a spin that is not spinning at all.

💥Define spin.

6⚡Turning in circles continuously panoramic turning.

6🔲Thus we must attempt to create a spinning non-spin, we do this by referring to our anchor and locating the direction to travel through, by knowing how they relate to each other ( Simon wilk and anchors )

7💢We can assume it's related to visibility and change, because we see spins and we see change, what we lack is the dial opposed existence of those qualities.

7⚡Dial opposed is defined as both sides of the description as opposites ( spinning and not ) 

7⚡ So we set out on our journey to this possibility.

1.4.1🌎This is a location of reference from this point past. Domains exist as points of possibility, knowing something about the domain is the direction traveled. Crossing the boundary of the point traveled, through what isn't possible, we achieve the possible version of a things definition within the possible means. Through reducing the incorrect assumptions of functionality.

In this case an object that is spinning and not. Through our knowledge of what is visible and what is changing ( and not ).

8💢What is visible and changes but does not?

8⚡Thus it is clear that I will need to explain how this knowledge of visibility and change in reaction to each other creates a simon wilk. As it is simply through perspective.

8🔲Thus we begin our first anchored reaction ascent, towards a simon wilk.

9💢The visible earth is a simon wilk, due to change in the larger size direction. Since the visible earth ( your city ) does not change its natural domain, while the earth spins in the larger size direction separately.

9⚡How is that the case in the simplest term possible?

9🔲Within the defined domains of existence that we selected as relevant to the effect, the size direction is in change ( planet earth is spinning ) however, the visible location that is your natural sight ( a totally different location ) is not spinning, since in the simplest terms your vision is not an accurate depiction of reality within the larger size domain, while being accurate to a lower size domain ( the visible )

💥But that is hardly a tested theory.

10⚡How do we test this theory?

10⚡By checking if spinning at different scales results in different visible domains.Lets ignore smaller sizes beyond bacteria due to it being complicated and alien ( perhaps not fully defined as a visible domain level at all )

10🔲Therefore we note that a ball can spin in several directions on earth, but we can only see the moon spin in space (ignoring sun because its bright)  and cannot even see the spin of the other planets or further the galaxy without proper equipment (and that is mostly long time lapse from a stationary location)

11💢This does seem to imply that time is also relevant in distance and size. Because spin does not appear the same in different change-> size-> visibilities.

💥Thus their is a time difference between visibility and size, through thought. Which means simon wilks are a thing. We were wrong about how they exist ( they exist due to visibility+thought in interaction with change )

11💢However you do not know the exact difference of addition and interaction within compounds because we have reached the complexity communication location issue. Meaning I must explain addition and interaction within the reactions of domains.

11🔲🌎Lets simplify and modify the reality view to this understanding within this cornerstone. Reactions are the way domains work together in their differences, their are two kinds of reaction, operators and interaction. This means visibility+thought is an operated result ( blend ) and an interaction is the relationship between two domains that exist.

12💢Operators are the domain reactions outside their separation, while interactions are reactions within separate domains

12⚡If an operated visibility thought, is a domain of reality between visibility and thought. Then it interacts with the separate domain change.

12⚡Visible thought ( vision ) interacts with change through separate domain location. Thus the variable vision depends on domain location of change relative to vision. 

12💢If the vision domain is not equal to the change domain and they are because change and vision are not the same domain. Then the world domain of vision ( which contains the nature of our visibility range and thought, but not the domain of size outside that range. Is a unique domain because it is not included in that domain ) then within the reason of the definition ( Domain ) the simon wilk exists, but only in a reality that denies the identical nature of size across change.

12🔲If a domain is not the same as another domain by definition, then the domain of simon wilks exist as the defined rule, that vision ( visibility blended thought ) is divided from the domain of size and change. Permitting the earth to be spinning and not spinning, through the link across the divide of vision, side and change, that is not the three in blending but in interaction of the three.

💥But this seems contradictory to you because you didn't understand the difference of a domain of interest. Which is that a domain has a different rule built from its selected domains, that can totally interact differently.

💥What can we do with a simon wilk, that we can't do with other things?

13💢Lets find out. We know that it can spin without spinning and this could be a very useful property in the visible domain, therefore we persue a use for a thing that spins without spinning in reality.

14⚡💢We can use them to cause light things to hover in orbits around the simon wilk. If we keep the two things interacting together using visible properties. Or atleast I think you could with specific visible properties. Their are two versions of this mechanism, only one that I could make if I set out to construct it. 

14🔲Essentially this is because anything that spins around something else that isn't moving is a simon wilk, from its relative perspective. Especially if the moving and not moving pieces are attached. Since a simon wilk is a means to emulate orbit at different scales and with different substances.

💥Therefore we conclude this portion with a simplification of the anchored physical information and idea symbol💭

🌎The 5 basic domains of reality, can interact or bond and these interactions and bonds result in different forms of possibility. Interaction creates separate relationships ( thought and visibility ) while bonds become new intractable domains ( vision ). Using the different interactions and bonds, we can discover new things by pursuing the basic idea or finding an idea within the interactions and bonds.

💭Simon wilks are objects that spin and do not, they are made by having one portion in motion, while the other is not, examples of simon wilks include the planet and the moon, fidget spinners or fans.


The four heroes arrived on the bridge, they saw many things done by Wildcard when he was a man and they studied one specifically, to attain something for themselves, they looked at the idea of domains, to better understand how the worlds functioned, but also to manipulate them. They listed the 5 domains once again:
  1. Space
  2. Time
  3. Atoms
  4. Mind
  5. Reaction
They then worked away from the ideas that lingered on the blog, with Vane studying the properties of those five domains and attempting to create a systematic understanding of them, in relation to each other.

He defined spacetime as the first relative relationship, where space and time were one and the same and did not related to atoms or mind. Spacetime, was the essential fermanent that the persomnia resided behind and thus the four heroes had to find a way there. space time, functioned by being both a space of dimensions and a motion of time in that space.

Atoms and Mind, represented the idea of Atominds, which represented the physical thing in spacetime and represented the body and souls that lived in it, acting through the space and time as it existed and past along itself, it is a distinctive part of reality.

Reaction, represents the reaction between Spacetime and Atominds, in which spacetime is relative to Atominds and vice versa, providing a chemical shift, that is unlike any other, because it changes things drastically with time, towards places of other space and time.

Hilisa worked to manipulate these 3 variables, towards some manner of utility, thus she began work by listing the limitations she did not have freedom in:
  • Spacetime cannot be controlled, merely lived within
  • Atomind, is manipulateable but distinctively alone
  • Reaction between the two creates only changes in it
She concluded that:
  • Spacetime can be controlled with distinctive reactions
  • Atomind is distinctively the key of controlling the other
  • Reactions on Atomind are the result of their own change.
Hilisa suggested they be manipulated accordingly, in space time, to provide a means of manipulating it, through atomind and thus manipulate atomind through spacetime.

Sugu, wanted to find a purpose for the manipulation of these domains, so she treated them like sprays and ascribed a meaning towards an end:
  • Wholsesome -> To fully fill in detail the ferminant of itself.
Thus sugu realized the manipulation of spacetime, could be used to create new kinds of space, through altering the atomind in a section of spacetime.

She concluded it could be used, but couldn't think of an example, but Pharath could:

Pharath thoughtthat different spaces provided different utility and could be measured with a diversity of imaginations, through which the space could be altered, thus he added to the idea of spacetime, saying it could curve or bend and that atomind provided this ability, through taking up space.

He stated that a hill is unlike a flat plane, much like a difficult idea is unlike an easy one, so the two can be used, to construct different landscapes of mind and matter. He pointed out that the bridge world could be seen as a map from one place to another.

This created its own memetic space and space-time that could be improved, through each other.

Pharath and friends then headed off to fight the monster, as they had crossed the bridge, into the ruins of:

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