Wednesday, March 7, 2018

2.3 What shall we do once we've been to the moon?

🔲💥Having been to the moon from the orientation of the basic 5 directions of domains, through having entered a visility range, we discover that we can infact journey across the cosmos of existence. However, the journey there was quite unstable and loosly connected. I saw many people walking around and little moon. Thus, how could we create a better entry point into to the moon that results in the same kind of experiece, with less confusion and people?

1⚡We will build a wiser bridge to the moon, using the photo's as thought inspirers of travel.

1💢Our first end is complete and we have another domain to enter, the earthsky ( between visible and size ) through a new means, beyond a puddle of water. (Water is among the sky by the way.)

1🔲So how can we build an entrance to another portion of the earthsky, within the local earthsky?

2💢Using water and stone.

2⚡We build a doorway out of stone and leave a straigth line of space at the top and a larger way out at the bottom , in which water flows down from above and creates a between sky zone.

2⚡Through this door we are led to the between greater world of skyearth, however the door must be tuned to the exact location in the skyearth, to better locate ourselves, if we don't we'll end up in this location of sky earth.

2🔲We surround the other side of the doorway with stone of the colors grey and white that lead to larger rooms of these stone arrangements.

3💢But we aren't trying to reach the stones, but use them as travel to the location of the moon that is in the specific and small hole. Thus we've merely created a place of travel between the two. However we could use the truth to locate the world we wish to enter.

3🔲Thus we make the specific entry point black, then tunnel through is therefore darker then the rest and leads out of the cavern into a brighter place, the hole smooths out and leads to a shrinking wall, where in the tiny ditance is part of the moon, up near the ceiling. In an inbetween sort of way.

4💥A drawing could be interesting:

4🔲This picture is meant to be kind of an x-ray version of the thing i'm discussing, to do that you'd need to create a window infront of the sky wall and behind the door. You'd have the camoflage the sky with the right color or have it inside.

Essentially this uses the visibility domain as a value of travel to the moon and their are several ways within that, but I'd like to discuss other travel domains aswell, within a limited range.

💥Specifically a small size time domain, because time can advance and size that is smaller can be used as a location in travel, through other domains of interests aid, but this is a distant reality.

5⚡Therefore, now that we've taken the insperation and created a functional map of how to construct the domain in visibility, we have several options of what to do next, we will try to do all three to some degree.

  1. Make a video game about it
  2. Find something to do in the domain
  3. Bring it to earth
We will go in the order, 2->1->3

5💢We will now finish the specific domain use aspect of this direction, as we travel to the moon in thought rather then visibility.

5🔲What can we do on the moon?

6⚡We can jump higher, but we aren't on the moon in the travel direction, rather we're between the moon and not, thus can we jump higher or is it something else?

6💥💢We are able to alter the orbit of the moon, displacing the whole location of exit, in two directions ( towards venus and mars ) this also has an effect on earth. In a manner like the world moved away from the moon.

6🔲By jumping we swap the attached world from the moon to either venus and mars. The appearence is similar but unique to this location, but appear down other passages.

7⚡We locate a means of hiding the moon, venus and mars within the upper portions of the cavernous skyearth and have a way of detecting jumping. ( Such as cameras )

7🔲💢 Our set, contains a doorway with water, a cavernous inbetween and a three planets to swap attachement to. We have created a new domain of use ( a skyearth inbetween switcher ) that could oneday have phsyical properties.

2.3🌎We have made some progress in our ascent towards another reality relationship, still we require constructing the interface for exploration within a videogame. Yet, what we are constructing is a skyearth inbetween switcher, which we will use for other things down the line. Essentially, the skyearthinbetween links to the moon, venus and mars and can only swap between them. We will refer to one of these as a Skyearth switcher and head out to construct it in the virtual.

Edit: I can't currently make a videogame because it isn't working, thus the next topic will go a slightly different direction.

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