Within this post we will discuss mental reactions and fields of reality, and how they interact, it is important for the context that you have read the previous post (as I have yet to complete and thus simplify the whole concept relating to timespace travel)
1💢Essentialisation is the process by which I am attempting to simplify the system of thought I have constructed, towards understanding between people rather then inane rambles. It is related to fields of reality and anchors because it is in itself a high field and multiplied anchor reaction worldview, that uses a separate language from traditional fields of interest.
1⚡A field is a mental or physical location in which something unique occurs compared to another field of reality, anchors are reality fields that interact to create and/or advance fields.
1⚡Anchors are as memories of previous field products which produce new locations of world view to generate more knowledge with domains of interest ( fields ).
1🔲 A field of reality is a slice of data within a larger or perhaps infinite set of data, thus a field is a measurement of the only field that is reality. Do not confuse this field with the fields in science ( although they can be compared in similarity ) however, I will now change the name to domain, because its unused in this kind of context and is similar in nature.
💥Thus, timespace travel is the traveling through different domains of physical and mental reality. What is likely unclear is how a domain can be both mental or physical. As well as the fact that you can anchor to certain domains to travel in other directions.
Thus we begin our descent, towards clarification of domains and their anchoring.
Domain anchoring
2💢A domain is an arrangement of objects that either physical or mental, for example:
You are in math class ( physical ) You are thinking of math ( mental )
2⚡These two kinds of domains can come together or separately in a modular way, meaning you don't have to be doing math in math class or vice versa.
2⚡An object within a domain is merely a smaller domain within the greater domain. Information is dividable, you can remove the desk from the classroom, you could remove the two from arithmetic by skipping its count ( as an example ).
2💢This is why domains are useful, because they can be arranged modular in both physical and mental quantities.
2⚡An anchoring of a domain, is the act of being in that domains "location" in spacetime, you are anchored when you are in math class to math class, you are anchored to math when thinking of math.
You are in math class ( physical ) You are thinking of math ( mental )
2⚡These two kinds of domains can come together or separately in a modular way, meaning you don't have to be doing math in math class or vice versa.
2⚡An object within a domain is merely a smaller domain within the greater domain. Information is dividable, you can remove the desk from the classroom, you could remove the two from arithmetic by skipping its count ( as an example ).
2💢This is why domains are useful, because they can be arranged modular in both physical and mental quantities.
2⚡An anchoring of a domain, is the act of being in that domains "location" in spacetime, you are anchored when you are in math class to math class, you are anchored to math when thinking of math.
2🔲 Thus a domain is a grouping of things mental and physical that result in a specific activity.
1.1.1🌎💥 in reference to the previous blog post, traveling through time space is the journey through domains of physical and mental reality ( although they are referred to as fields, which is changed due to language confusion )
💥 Thus I will attempt to simplify the purpose of this concept.
Simplification of the general idea.
3⚡Modying ones domains permits the change of your domain location.
"I walked to the park" "I stopped thinking of cats and thought of ducks"
3🔲Thus timespace travel, is the travel through a domain from one of origin to one of end, that is not identical to the original and may never have been used before. Thus the exploration of time space, is the discovery of new domains.
💥But what is the relationship between a domain and timespace?
4💢A domain is a place in the timespaces, or simply a domain is a timespace. Thus a domain is a point of matter and time where a passage through time occurs in a location in space. For example:
4⚡A play, is an object in 4-dimensions. 3 dimensions of visibility and 1 that is passing through it.
4🔲Thus a timespace is a 4 dimensional object, which contains a domain of interest.
1💥💢Taking this back to what I originally mentioned, timespaces and their domains of interest are different realities, because they do not obey the same physical or mental principles, at least on a visible scale. (We will eventually reach science in this discussion), this is the common thing most people don't understand about what I mean and thus, it is what I will explain next.
Timespace realities.
5⚡Reality, or even realities can always be described as a place, with objects that travel through time, one that actually exists.
5⚡Reality is composed of several specific and important objects, there are two that are vital for different reasons. Their is the physical and the mental, they function differently and are required for existing and knowing each other.
5⚡aka , mind knows matter, matter provides existence to mind. Thus we can describe reality or realities as minds knowing the matter that allows them to exist.
5💢Because reality is mind and matter and not just matter, since we know reality and see reality. We find that if their is more then one mind, their is more then one reality. Because their are component realities within the existent reality due to their being more then one mind. Yet, their is also several existential realities in existence as we shall further explore.
5🔲The similarity between both the mental domain and the physical domain as wholes is that both contain domains within their more general domain and both have laws that govern each separate domain. If laws define a reality, because the law is the reality, then different laws represent different realities.
We will use an example from both the physical and mental:
A law of math, functions through number is an example of a law of mental reality
A law that sand becomes glass when heated is an example of a law of physical reality.
Thus, in both cases reality is defined by the laws present within a domain of interest or location in existence, because it is the law of that domain that permits its existence.
💥If we list the laws of the desert, from the laws of a pine forest, we will clearly note they are not the same rules( except at the atomic level and beyond ). In similar respect, if we list the laws of math and art, they will not be the same. Except where they are (both relate to objects).
6💢Thus the two domains are both the same realities and not depending on the domain of interest and its depth.
6⚡Therefore as we begin to conclude this passage, the laws of different anchored domains are not the same, except at other depths and result in different realities of experience according to the location in the chains of relation.
6🔲Therefore, the situation of ones beliefs and or physical presence is related to the specific anchor one is attached too within the whole domain of mind and matter.
If we now simplify what I have discussed through the nature of each 🔲, we find a new form of information that has been condensed to a concentrated domain through its essentialisation/simplification.
🌎Thus, a domain is information that is either mental or physical, domains are actions of mental or physical reality. Timespace travel is going through different domains. Domains are 4 dimensional objects, containing objects and time. Different domains have different laws and thus if laws define the reality we live in, then different domains are different worlds.
💥Bound together through their different similarities.
7💢Thus the creation of new domains creates new worlds.
7⚡But their are issues involved that must be discussed from this simplified view.
7🔲🌎 The existence of separate worlds, creates tensions between worlds when a domain is denied existing by another while clearly being visible as what it is defined. This will be advancing the topic of chem reaction which was not explained in this post.
Thus this is the topic of the next blog post.
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