1.2🌎 The existence of separate worlds, creates tensions between worlds when a domain is denied existing by another while clearly being visible as what it is defined. This will be advancing the topic of chem reaction which was not explained in this post.
1🔲💢Domains are four directional dimensions of space that can interact in different ways, because each is a unique substance within a different definition then chemicals.
⚡Chems as they are called are special combinations and behaviors of domains, however the new word for these things are Dats, because they contain the laws of each domain. Dats are the information concerning the specific domain.
⚡Domains thus are composed of definitions, which permit the specific nature of the domain.
🔲A domain contains a dat, the dat is thus the defining features of a specific domain.
⚡Definitions interact on scales of exponential growth, one definition effects another definition while remaining as separate defined features. Each feature results in different laws, the difference and is the rule of the domain, thus the reaction is between different realities that are not equivalent.
💢Depending on a domains laws, the result is not the same. an example will follow.
⚡In a place of water, the floor does not exist at the level of water. On the shore, the floor is at the same level as the water.
⚡💢Each rule, is a different reality, because the laws of physicality and mentality are not the same. Within the same space their is earth and water. However, in another reality (the smaller one), they are the same law, because of this they can interact.
🔲This means that while the water and floor are the same at an atomic level ( Because both are made of atoms of different sorts ), they are non identical in the macro world. Where their exists more substances then in the atomic level.
⚡The difference can interact at the macro level and above, because they are linked below.
💢This is the physical example and a mental one will follow, what is clear here is that the physical level has two levels that react differently and result in different realities dependent on those physical differences.
💢How does water react with the floor?
⚡It does not, beyond erosion.
🔲I need to organize this, because it has gone into a tangent.
Thus the situation is explained as follows:
🔲A timespace is animated at all levels, its dats are what decide its qualities, physicality contains at least two levels of complexity ( atomic, macro ) and they are not identical.
⚡ Thus the molding of timespace in the macro, creates a distinction in the macro, that is irrelevant to the atomic. This molding of timespace, is not the same reaction as the atomic form ( unless they are identical )
💢Thus timespace reacts through two forms of reaction that are known, bond and compound. Smaller qualities bond and greater things compound.
💢Compounds are irrelevant to bonds, thus the compound is separate from the bonds of the timespace, Bonds exist in a depth of distance that is not among the three dimensions of visibility. Nor the dimension of time.
🔲Therefore, their are five directions of known spacetime geometry.
💥 I must now explain the non-relevance of visible dimensions and invisible dimension, not that a dimension of reality is a domain of existence, they all interact differently.
⚡Problematically this is hard to visualize, thus I will draw a picture.
🔲This box, represents five dimensions of timespace, each colored line represents a direction of travel within existence as we know it. What I am trying to explain is, we have access to more directions of space then just 3. Each direction has a relation and effect on the other.
⚡Defining a direction as a domain of reality and remembering that a domain is a specific aspect of physical or mental reality, each direction in reality is a domain of interest or field of existence in relationship.
⚡The relationship of a dat, which is the definition of a domain's sort is a direction of reality, because it is a root that existence took to exist as it now is within time, space and other.
💢The central colored lines represent the 3 dimensions we see with our eyes. The light blue line represents time and the purple line represents the atomic scale.
💥Where am i going now???
💥Reactions of time, space and atoms as physical domains.
💢Reactions of each effects the other uniquely as separate and fractally repeating similarities of disconnected then connected reality domains.
⚡we are also lacking one domain of reality, the mind.
🔲Thus their are actually six domains of reality and a 7th one from the previous 6.
🔲The 7th domain of reality is reaction
💥 We have listed 7 domains of importance, we require these basic domain directions to explain the 7th reactionary direction
🔲However when simplified their are only 5.
- Space
- Time
- Atomic
- Mind
- Reaction
💥 Here's the problem and it's math, if each interaction is distinct to its kind and effects each other relationship separately, their are 5*5! reactions within the 5 dimensions we currently recognize within this specific chain of simplifying reasoning.
5*5! = 600
🔲this is then multiplied by itself the same way. Do you know what that equals?
600*600! = ∞
🔲Why does one multiply 600 reactions per itself within the basic 5? Because if you can cause an interaction between anything, it creates something new distinct to its result, these qualities result in new domains and therefore each domain formed by a secondary domain can react within and outside that domain of existence. Thus the result is infinity.
⚡ This implies an infinite velocity.
🔲Lets conclude this chain of domain interactions by simplifying the situation.
🌎 A domain is a group made of itself ( other domains ) because all is a domain, their are an infinite amount of potential domains, starting from a base of 5 initial reactionary domains, or base numbers from 1-5. Each reacts with any other, thus their is an infinite production of domains or objects from the initial five that produce each other+ because every product produces more other.
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