Tuesday, March 6, 2018

1.1 Preperation of descent

I sit at my chair thinking I shouldn't talk in third person ( even tho I do cause it's amusing to me ).

1.💢However, its weird so I will talk in a normal tense. I am currently making the preparations for my descent from where ever they heck I am currently located, although I do note it's somewhere in both nothing and between over fifty two states of minds/dimensional approach angle anchors.

See that's the issue, you have no idea what that last part means. While I'll give some context now, it's gonna take some explaining.

1.⚡Somewhere in both nothing and between over fifty two states of minds/dimensional approach angle anchors means I am not in the existential side of life and am attached to more then fifty two worlds of view that keep me grounded and oriented inside an infinite spectrum of realities.

2.⚡See, trying to explain it only created larger confusion. Thus I set my timespace cardinal to simplify and point my orientation towards the past, such that my focus becomes going back and simplifying and linking my insanity to sanity once again.

So that I'm not crazy for speaking non-sense with no understanding, when it is understanding of a different kind within a different form of complexity.

I have four subjects to explain right now, what these extra symbols mean, what timespace travel is, what the subject matter I'm trying to explain is and what a whaling is. These basic tools will help understand what I am trying to explain, especially in the beginning.

Symbols next to paragraphs:


💢 That which will require further context and explanation.

⚡ That which references previous 💢 and furthers its context.

🔲The simplified version and hopeful better explanation of previous ideas.

🌎The previously mentioned idea 🔲 that is already helped and simplified being referenced elsewhere.

I will also try to reference where they are located in the blog to better organize this complex idea. Into something that is far easier to reference. Thus as an example:

If you see something like this:

1.💢 Time space travel.
1.⚡ A way to travel across dimensions
1.🔲💢 Depending on what exists in an area, a place is a different dimension.
1.1.1🌎 If we travel to another location with timespace travel... ( this references page and subject )

You'll know what I'm talking about.

What is timespace travel in basic:

1🔲Timespace travel is the ability to follow the potential occurrence of some non-existent idea that we do not have in reality, by finding the incorrect versions of the idea and using reduction of possibility to locate the actually functioning but now post non-existent idea. 

3💢Why is this time space travel? 

3⚡Because time is a change in reality that occurred before it was there in the observed and exists as a physical construct, through changing the construct in visibility, you alter the whole construct of time towards that location in time. 

3🔲 In simple terms, time is a dimension that can be decided by our will, irrelevant of its determined or free nature. Using our will and reduction of possibility, do we arrive at the inevitable solution to the situation we desire. Only if we find the option that functions, which is made easier by knowing which do not. 

💥(new ideas will be held with this symbol)

3💥Thus, time is a geometric shape that can be controlled. Because you can shift this worlds geometry towards that other time space by finding what portions of the idea as seen in the future are incorrect, towards the correct idea that does work.

However, to locate a future and space from which to journey in, requires a few basic tools of thought that are not present in this section.

What this is about:

2🔲💢 This is about running different timespace travel shreds towards their destinations, such that timespace travel is powered by the incorrect answers to potential problems, but this knowledge base is also about creating things using this process that we don' have. This is a cardinal, which helps guide the direction of timespace travel we go in. 

My problem is that I hardly had a direction this entire time and require locating a way back with the knowledge I found, thus I will show two examples of Timespace travel in action. The first is simple and already occured, the second is inverse and going in the opposite direction towards your understanding.

If I cannot carry water, because it will leak through my hands, then I must build some means without holes in it to carry the water ( a cup )

This is an example of timespace travel, because in building a cup, I have traveled to the location in time where I have a cup.

The second example explains shred:

2⚡ Since no one knows what shred is, the meaning should be expounded, thus shred is the sea of incorrect ideas within our minds linked to the idea we are trying to access. Through riding our inability to do the thing we want, with the thing that we want because it doesn't work that way. We gain access to the thing we want eventually, through locating the one that functions. Thus shred is the travel between the wrong ideas to learn the right idea.

2🔲 In simplification, shredding the wrong idea, narrows our search towards the right idea that works.

4💢 In orientating the thing we seek, we find what we are looking for by knowing what it is we initially want and transferring to its location, however to have an idea of what we are looking for initially helps greatly advance the circumstance because we know what we seek is. We require a cardinal idea for this substantial creation.

4⚡Each thing we construct is an intractable substance in a physical or non-physical way, however the idea is constructed from basic component substances which we derive from other substances in a manner that is quite simple.

4🔲Simplifying the nature of what I mean, in knowing we can access it in reality, but to know what we want to access, requires to know how to make a new idea and this is done through a mental form of chemistry.

💥Thus this idea is about locating chemicals of mind to create new things to do. Then accessing how they actually are doable through the shredding of the incorrect ways. 

The easiest way to locate a new thing, is to use a whaling and through this do we acquire new ideas by not knowing what they are. This will be followed by a proper example of shred following and locating within timespace. 

Whalings and the rest of the topic.

5💢A whaling is an idea or image which you do not know what it is, thus it is an unknown which you attempt to understand by imagining what it could be. In looking for the means to explain the unknown phenomenon through guessing at what it could be. For example:

Time magic of the first kind. 

5⚡I and you do not know what that is, because the connection to the words do not exist and thus it is uncertain in nature and totally ambiguous and partially informative. 

5🔲Thus knowing what something we don't understand is, by simply guessing provides the ability to generate a new topic of interest. Which we can then use shred surfing to locate in time space.

💥To figure out what that uncertainty is, we look for an idea that's novel within the concept. In this case we will say it means:

6💢 The ability to control time within a coincidental field similar to magic and thus is like magic but functions in relation to time rather then an energy or the gods. 

6⚡ We would then approach the topic of interest by attempting to make this form of idea functional within reality (however, since it's magic it will result in a coincidental style circumstance). Time magic is not timespace travel by the way.

We must now take a tangent line of interest to show that it is possible to create time magic as it is described, before returning to the simplification of the circumstance I am discussing. 

Time magic as an example

If time magic is the ability to control time within a coincidental field similar to magic and thus is like magic but functions in relation to time rather then an energy or the gods. Then we must:

Create a means to control time through coincidence and not magical energy or gods.

7💢 We can do this by plotting out times in space where we can locate our desired results through guessing at where an object or event will occur and riding coincidence to arrive at our destination. 

7⚡We do this by studying the potential physical events of locations, for example one will encounter sick people at the hospital and one will find garbage in a city, if we want to encounter either case, we travel to locations containing those chances in time and hope that we encounter what we seek through coincidence.

7🔲In simple terms, we seek what we desire in times when they occur, times in the sense of paths through it towards when we encounter it. 

This is how we attain a possible tool of use from words that didn't mean anything previously but now have a relevant meaning to the content of the subject it generated. Let us continue with our descent.

Continued descent:

6🔲 In approaching an unknown, we attempt to define what the unknown is, then we take that definition and attempt to find a functional system of use within our limitations, by knowing the rules of what we can't do. 

💥However, let us use a second example to better show the usefulness of this process, by inventing an object from scratch.

Second example: Transient Block

We don't know what a transient block is when we write the word down, because its random words selected for a purpose of guessing what they are.

If we assume that in this case, the transient part of the whaling means motion or in motion, we can then conclude that it is a block in motion. We still can't do much with this idea, because its merely the idea of a block in motion.

However, if we try to build a block in motion, we acquire an invention in the physical that is actually possible.

Its a block attached to a conveyor belt that moves when the conveyor belt moves along its designated path. 

However, we must now ask ourselves what this block and conveyor belt does. Thus we use the modified idea as a whaling for itself and in guessing what it could be used for, we discover that it is useful as a:

Means of transporting things from one location to another, if we make the block into a box with a door on it. 

As you can see, in guessing what something we didn't know was, then thinking of our limitations and what it could be, did we discover a new invention, because we intended to discover a new invention and idea. 

This portion of explanation makes sense because of the previously explained ideas. However one thing mentioned within this entire post is still unexplained.

What are the anchors mentioned previously?

1💢 Because that original mention required context, I can now begin to explain what I mean by anchors in timespace and states of mind. Anchors are mental fields of interest that produce products of their kind within a collection of them and their interactions.

1⚡We will only begin to get into this anchor concept in this blog post, the following blog post will go into more detail.

1⚡If we consider a field of interest to be something that is the same within science and art, specifically the fact that both are topics, then an anchor is a topic of interest, since topics produce new ideas within their category, then an anchor is a topic of interest. 

1+4⚡ If we consider that each topic of interest effects another topic in reaction, then the previously mention substances also makes sense, because mental ideas interact just as much as physical objects, thus both are reactionary in nature. Through their interaction, does one gain more insight into things of several natures and through having anchors of interest in several places, does a circumstance of knowledge base become accessible,.

1+4🔲 In simple terms or at least an attempt at that, Different topics of interest react with each other to produce different things, one is anchored to the topics they take interest in and these topics can be treated as substances.

💥 Concluding our post, we have been led through our chains of explanation to the idea of ideas as substances, thus substances ( chems ) will be the next topic in our descent.

We have pointed our direction of travel towards communicated understanding in others and are using our knowledge base to descend by explaining the circumstances of each inherent idea that i noted before i turned around and began my descent. 

To conclude the topic, I will leave a symbol at the bottom (🌎) with a simplification of each simplification in question.

1.1🌎Places containing objects are in this view other worlds based on what is within them. To arrive at a new location in the multiverse of things, we reduce the non-functional versions of the objects in question. Knowing what object we seek permits us to get there with the help of reduction through shred. A means of locating a thing to travel to, is a whaling ( a thing we don't know ). This is a form of reaction between and unknown and a guess. Defining an interest or groups interest creates different anchors, each anchor is a basic root of guidance knowledge, through which we inquire to access parts of the world that do not yet exist in the physical world. 

💥 Their are three unexplained things in this essentialisation. How is a collection of objects a world, what does an anchor really serve and how do things of mind react. Also what is essentialisation and fields.

Finally, the preparation is complete, we have located the link downwards and clarified what I meant in the beginning. Thus, this post is complete.

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