- Motion
- deconstruction
- cleaning
- erosion
- reflecting
- Growth
- Expansion
- Seeding
- Reproducing
- Pathway
- Healing
- Blowing
- Dropping
- Twisting
- Temperance
- Painting
- Shaping
- Shading
- Forming
- Creating
Taking these basic components and potential depths in question, we will attempt to find something that makes dimensonal physicalisation simpler, such that we can more easily travel to other dimensions with object creation as part of this goal.
Their are four basic forms of short root travel that I am familiar with, they are below:
- Physical walking to another dimension in the sky earth.
- Literary exploration through authorship across the worlds
- Artistic transferrence of the idea onto either image or video game
- Object creation to bring the world closer to the reality we want.
However, the first three could be better, due to the first not making the thing new, the second lacks visuals at all and the third while containing visuals fails to have accurate realisism to its qualities.
Thus we will attempt to find four more from among our rules of physics created:
deconstruction, expansion, dropping, shaping :
Constructing actual locations on your own, containing other worldly natures within locations that are appropriate for creation of worlds, such that they can be there and used for their purposes, these require alot of work and my be safely kept and cared for.
forming, expansion, temperance, motion :
Constructing model worlds with various degrees of relevance and design, to create a miniature version of that other world for use in showing the smaller world to the people and or pleasure of yourself, this is an interesting and potentially fun work, but it cannot be entered like the first potential world.
growth, deconstruction, healing, shaping:
House modification, constructing a world within your home, such that it is like a theme of interest within the world that you own, A place of a certain theme within the world at large and a place of one new dimension of reality. This could be a fun project for those intereste.
Thus we now have 7 potential means of travel to other domains of reality:
- Physical walking
- Literary exploration
- Artistic transferrence
- Object creation
- Constructing locations
- Model making
- House moding
Essentially, their are several potential means of working with our reality to go to other realities, but they are all requiring work to successfully travel too, although their is some potential in virtual reality wich already exists and was not completely mentioned. The problem with each however is the creational aspect, because one has to actually work to create the manifestation of the world they wish.
In relation to what we've discussed previously, their are 5 domains of basic reality and three of spatial reality ( sky, earth and sky earth ) thus their are several means of travel between these different locations, but no true way to instantly travel across the strokes of them in completion. Can I find a simpler means, the problem is when it requires altering objects instantly, I would have to find a faster root.
Thus the following page is the travel towards a faster root, but this is not including energy which I have yet to understand, thus the technology is quite limited. The only thing I can currently thing of is a means of quickly contructing the objects.
But this final problem, is quite the problem of work, but if found would successfully change the situation of absorbtion into realities.
I have one idea, the we will discuss following this first step down to the earth from the infinity in the thought domain and visible one.
Thus I bid thy farewell.
Arriving from another blog, which he will refer to in this post, a blog written previously. Wildcard arrives at a distant edge and is uncertain what will come of the end of that which is gone too far?
This is a dog deman, who lives in the distant lands of the wolves, he is on the search for some other land beyond the ring, but he wonders what this man, who came before him found first.
So he peaks around the corner, just off the edge of that ring, much like the man before him and finds:
and concludes that he left even farther! Then he realized that man became Wildcard!
And remembered the whale! Which came swiftly for three days!
He went from man to dog Deman very quickly and created his own world, separate from that of the one here, but entirely unique from this one.
But this isn't the edge of the ring, nope. This is where it began and perhaps this is a better root!
A memetic universe!
One which travels over its own space of creation and explores new realms of advancement to previous ends!
Because Wildcard is about to add, with connection between, the sky, earth and skyearth model to his world. He will thus have to modify his drawing of the world!
This means he must find a way to the sky, and past it, into the edge of the solar system! With nothing but space, spirit, scaffolding and the various other things of his craft, which is the earth! He will use a diversity of the above and alternate means of world travel!
Starting by going to the moon, for that he will need to build a spaceship, which provides a means of darkness and then illumination by the moon!
He thinks for a moment and concludes that the sky is a perfect window in winter! Luckily its winter!
However, he concludes that is pretty far, compared to his current spot in space, in the night!
So he has to find something to do until his arrival at the moon, which is his first step once again! Only more lengthy!
He decides a space walk could be fun!
So he goes for one, but he uses cards with him, such that he can do something fun by being inspired by them, to do something.
So he selects two special cards he made:
He decides he could also make cards while he passes the time!
But he selected two meanings from them:
He concludes that he should find food for them, in the hopes that they will give him something in return.
Wildcard will be back, with his story of the walk, but for now he has this to offer:
On his walk he past through an abandoned plasma ship and discovered another driving by to some destination, then he saw the edge of the leash he was attached to on his way to the dwelling place of the space bacteria. It tugged on him as he went, keeping the houseship and him in near orbit, then he saw that the bacteria already had food due to space debris and garbage.
So he concluded that later he would focus on a way to use garbage as well as more to do in space while he was traveling to the edge of the ring.
But he would continue his work in a projection of his home world! Thus he will post the next post in the meaningandbeyond blog!
Arriving from another blog, which he will refer to in this post, a blog written previously. Wildcard arrives at a distant edge and is uncertain what will come of the end of that which is gone too far?
So he peaks around the corner, just off the edge of that ring, much like the man before him and finds:
and concludes that he left even farther! Then he realized that man became Wildcard!
And remembered the whale! Which came swiftly for three days!
He went from man to dog Deman very quickly and created his own world, separate from that of the one here, but entirely unique from this one.
But this isn't the edge of the ring, nope. This is where it began and perhaps this is a better root!
A memetic universe!
One which travels over its own space of creation and explores new realms of advancement to previous ends!
Because Wildcard is about to add, with connection between, the sky, earth and skyearth model to his world. He will thus have to modify his drawing of the world!
Starting by going to the moon, for that he will need to build a spaceship, which provides a means of darkness and then illumination by the moon!
He thinks for a moment and concludes that the sky is a perfect window in winter! Luckily its winter!
However, he concludes that is pretty far, compared to his current spot in space, in the night!
So he has to find something to do until his arrival at the moon, which is his first step once again! Only more lengthy!
He decides a space walk could be fun!
So he goes for one, but he uses cards with him, such that he can do something fun by being inspired by them, to do something.
So he selects two special cards he made:
He decides he could also make cards while he passes the time!
But he selected two meanings from them:
Their are Bacteria in space, that want to rare strings.
He concludes that he should find food for them, in the hopes that they will give him something in return.
Wildcard will be back, with his story of the walk, but for now he has this to offer:
On his walk he past through an abandoned plasma ship and discovered another driving by to some destination, then he saw the edge of the leash he was attached to on his way to the dwelling place of the space bacteria. It tugged on him as he went, keeping the houseship and him in near orbit, then he saw that the bacteria already had food due to space debris and garbage.
So he concluded that later he would focus on a way to use garbage as well as more to do in space while he was traveling to the edge of the ring.
But he would continue his work in a projection of his home world! Thus he will post the next post in the meaningandbeyond blog!