Saturday, March 10, 2018

3.5 Bringing the idea to the goal

Within this page, we will attempt to use the substances we have created to locate a tool for making dimensional travel easier and more physical, through studying the natures of those original and later qualities of the 4 elements on the rings. Then we will summarize the two topics (simplified portal travel and object generating physics ) in relation to the 5 domains, before moving on with the goal towards something greater.

  1. Motion
  2. deconstruction
  3. cleaning
  4. erosion
  5. reflecting
  1. Growth
  2. Expansion
  3. Seeding
  4. Reproducing
  5. Pathway
  1. Healing
  2. Blowing
  3. Dropping
  4. Twisting
  5. Temperance
  1. Painting
  2. Shaping
  3. Shading
  4. Forming
  5. Creating
Taking these basic components and potential depths in question, we will attempt to find something that makes dimensonal physicalisation simpler, such that we can more easily travel to other dimensions with object creation as part of this goal.

Their are four basic forms of short root travel that I am familiar with, they are below:
  1. Physical walking to another dimension in the sky earth.
  2. Literary exploration through authorship across the worlds
  3. Artistic transferrence of the idea onto either image or video game
  4. Object creation to bring the world closer to the reality we want.
However, the first three could be better, due to the first not making the thing new, the second lacks visuals at all and the third while containing visuals fails to have accurate realisism to its qualities.

Thus we will attempt to find four more from among our rules of physics created:

deconstruction, expansion, dropping, shaping : 

Constructing actual locations on your own, containing other worldly natures within locations that are appropriate for creation of worlds, such that they can be there and used for their purposes, these require alot of work and my be safely kept and cared for.

forming, expansion, temperance, motion :

Constructing model worlds with various degrees of relevance and design, to create a miniature version of that other world for use in showing the smaller world to the people and or pleasure of yourself, this is an interesting and potentially fun work, but it cannot be entered like the first potential world.

growth, deconstruction, healing, shaping:

House modification, constructing a world within your home, such that it is like a theme of interest within the world that you own,  A place of a certain theme within the world at large and a place of one new dimension of reality. This could be a fun project for those intereste.

Thus we now have 7 potential means of travel to other domains of reality:
  1. Physical walking
  2. Literary exploration
  3. Artistic transferrence
  4. Object creation
  5. Constructing locations
  6. Model making
  7. House moding
Essentially, their are several potential means of working with our reality to go to other realities, but they are all requiring work to successfully travel too, although their is some potential in virtual reality wich already exists and was not completely mentioned. The problem with each however is the creational aspect, because one has to actually work to create the manifestation of the world they wish.

In relation to what we've discussed previously, their are 5 domains of basic reality and three of spatial reality ( sky, earth and sky earth ) thus their are several means of travel between these different locations, but no true way to instantly travel across the strokes of them in completion. Can I find a simpler means, the problem is when it requires altering objects instantly, I would have to find a faster root.

Thus the following page is the travel towards a faster root, but this is not including energy which I have yet to understand, thus the technology is quite limited. The only thing I can currently thing of is a means of quickly contructing the objects.

But this final problem, is quite the problem of work, but if found would successfully change the situation of absorbtion into realities.

I have one idea, the we will discuss following this first step down to the earth from the infinity in the thought domain and visible one.

Thus I bid thy farewell.


Arriving from another blog, which he will refer to in this post, a blog written previously. Wildcard arrives at a distant edge and is uncertain what will come of the end of that which is gone too far?

This is a dog deman, who lives in the distant lands of the wolves, he is on the search for some other land beyond the ring, but he wonders what this man, who came before him found first.

So he peaks around the corner, just off the edge of that ring, much like the man before him and finds:

and concludes that he left even farther! Then he realized that man became Wildcard!

And remembered the whale! Which came swiftly for three days!

He went from man to dog Deman very quickly and created his own world, separate from that of the one here, but entirely unique from this one.

But this isn't the edge of the ring, nope. This is where it began and perhaps this is a better root!

A memetic universe!

One which travels over its own space of creation and explores new realms of advancement to previous ends!

Because Wildcard is about to add, with connection between, the sky, earth and skyearth model to his world. He will thus have to modify his drawing of the world!

This means he must find a way to the sky, and past it, into the edge of the solar system! With nothing but space, spirit, scaffolding and the various other things of his craft, which is the earth! He will use a diversity of the above and alternate means of world travel!

Starting by going to the moon, for that he will need to build a spaceship, which provides a means of darkness and then illumination by the moon!

He thinks for a moment and concludes that the sky is a perfect window in winter! Luckily its winter!

However, he concludes that is pretty far, compared to his current spot in space, in the night!

So he has to find something to do until his arrival at the moon, which is his first step once again! Only more lengthy!

He decides a space walk could be fun!

So he goes for one, but he uses cards with him, such that he can do something fun by being inspired by them, to do something.

So he selects two special cards he made:

He decides he could also make cards while he passes the time!

But he selected two meanings from them:

Their are Bacteria in space, that want to rare strings.

He concludes that he should find food for them, in the hopes that they will give him something in return.

Wildcard will be back, with his story of the walk, but for now he has this to offer:

On his walk he past through an abandoned plasma ship and discovered another driving by to some destination, then he saw the edge of the leash he was attached to on his way to the dwelling place of the space bacteria. It tugged on him as he went, keeping the houseship and him in near orbit, then he saw that the bacteria already had food due to space debris and garbage.

So he concluded that later he would focus on a way to use garbage as well as more to do in space while he was traveling to the edge of the ring.

But he would continue his work in a projection of his home world! Thus he will post the next post in the meaningandbeyond blog!

3.4 Physical expansion

We will be expanding the physical system in this blog post, through making details not present previously within the physical rules. We will do this by adding more information regarding each physical variable, towards creating new objects not seen previously. The 4 grouping of physics relating to the elements are as follows:

  1. Motion
  2. deconstruction
  3. cleaning
  4. erosion
  5. reflecting
  1. Growth
  2. Expansion
  3. Seeding
  4. Reproducing
  5. Pathway
  1. Healing
  2. Blowing
  3. Dropping
  4. Twisting
  5. Temperance
  1. Painting
  2. Shaping
  3. Shading
  4. Forming
  5. Creating
To do what we are going to do requires that we take each substance quality and expand on it significantly through better definition and then decide what makes it up physically, through which we will control the abilities of this elemental based universe.


Motion is the ability to move, to act and to behave a certain way within the motion of itself or other, this force permits the world to exist and thing like the orbit of the ring are thanks to the motion quality. 

Traveling through the domain, we encounter new qualities within this substance, specifically:

Blur and Steps, the two componet substances of motion, which permit its existence in the first place.

They function according to the blur which propels the moving object in a certain direction when contact is made and the steps wich plan out the direction of travel within the motion, through their dual interaction the two create the general aspects of motion.


Deconstruction is the substance effect that permits the deconstruction of the things we want or occur naturally in this manner, an example of deconstruction is rust or burning wood and the various forms it comes in are relevant.

However, in looking at the new depth of quality within this substance, we find:

Taking and Tearing, which are the features of this substance.

Taking moves the substances that have been teared and this creates the deconstruction through tearing and taking the substance, the motion of the substsance is relevant because depending on where the substance goes different results transpire.


Cleaning is the quality of becoming clean and removing a mess from something that was originally dirty, but became clean with the addition of a substance with this quality, an exampe would be water or soap and its interaction with dirt.

The qualities that are deeper in the substance elementals are as follows:

Wiping and Scrubing, which are the qualities of the elements depth.

Wiping helps remove the physical feature from the area while Scrubing helps initially with detaching the substance from its location on the object. 


Erosion is the slow polishing of an object over time, it shortens and smooths out an aspect of the substance such that it becomes smoothed out, examples of this feature include water and wind erosion 

The deeper substance qualities are already mentioned but lets repeat them:

Polishing and Smoothing are the qualities in subject.

Polishing creates a sheen to the area through its own substance of functioning, while smoothing removes portions of the substance from the area, in a manner similar to deconstruction.


Reflecting is the capacity for something to have a reflective brilliance and is the root of the shining things in the world, thus it is a useful tool for developping new worlds with brilliance, its examples include water, mirrors and metals.

The deeper quality of this substance is:

Sheen and bend.

The first nature creates the reflection of the quality it faces in a manner that is complex and mirroring the nature of that other thing, the second is bend wich refers to the difference in the sheen that relates to the object and whether or not it takes up an identical shape.

Having acquired the first five substances lets switch it up and see what kind of object we can create with some of its rules, permitting it to become useful once again.

Taking, Steps, Wiping, Polishing, Sheen = Shoe mops

This created shoe mops, shoes used to mop the ground instead of using a mop. 

This is because we took the taking and steps quality, with the wiping, polishing and sheen quality and merged them to create the idea of shoe mops.

Let us continue with the substance gathering, but in a shorter manner, due to simplicity of its nature:











This will be the concluding portion of the idea, due to its simplicity, through this manner you can expand the features of the basic elements you choose to create new phenomenons, such that it permits the creation of new things within the same rules as previously stated.

It is useful to generate new qualities when constructing a new concept and thus it is a useful feature for creating new things within a world constraint. 

Friday, March 9, 2018

3.3 To the rings of saturn and jupiter.

Today's second blog post is about travel to the rings of saturn and jupiter and the physics of this other location between those two planets and what we will construct with the physics of that other world. Thus it will use everything I've discussed thus far.

We begin by seeking out the domain of interest and its physical relations to the earth within the domains of reality. We will travel in the skyearth direction to get there and reach it shortly, but the world between two planets is quite different from earth and even the moon.

Thus we will have to find the potential roots to seeing this other world within the skyearth location of reality.

We will call the sky earth portion the ring of saturn, such that it is now shaped like a ring and the poles are wormholes across the earth, thus it is a way to cross over the planet that is saturn.

Saturn is the sun, since it is clearly of the color yellow and we surround it with great adventures on the ring of life! Such that the planet at the center of the orbit of the ring is fascinating, however, we must figure out why their is night, since their is no saturn then.

I have concluded that the moon and night is the shadow of the planet in the sky, crossing through that shadow in our orbit creates the night we live in and the moon is literally the moon of saturn as it passes by over the ring and around again.

Their are four planets within the ring aswell, the first is called Terra and is green and blue, the second is called Venus and is yellow and gold, the third is called mars and is of the colors red and brown and the last is luna and is white and grey.

Below the skyearth portion of the reality, their dwells the great and powerful Saturn, which forms the sediment of the ring, traveling beneath the surface is a whole other angle of reality that defies the flatness of the ring, for it has a great depth for the flat ring.

However , why do we see earth when leaving the ring?

It is because we dwell on hardly a spec of the ring, thus it is but a portion of the ring as a whole and is among the grains in orbit, the rest of the grains include the other stars in the night sky aswell. But the massive nature of the gas giant at the center is always visible.

So we live on the ring of saturn among the four planets of the world and the great cavern below. However, today is only the begining of this worlds history and thus we should learn about the world we live within.

The following images are the four elements of this new world that I have discovered:





If you haven't noticed these are Geojewels from the previous post, but I've convereted them to physics elemental cores for my own interests. 

What's interesting about this new interpretation is that they still use the certain old qualities but slightly differently, for example you can generate objects from them and physical powers, however they require that you know their physical properties to create the objects in question.

Thus we will begin the study of the physics of this world:

The ring however is not related to the construction of objects in this case, because the planet saturn radiates an energy that produces the basic physicality, but it is the elements that permit the transformation of the basic physicality (blue, green, yellow, gold, red, brown, white, grey) into functional objects. Since it is the elements that transform the basic physicality into substances with functionality.

However, the origin of these elements is mysterious because they appear across the universe, the basic rule for their appearence is the existence of another set somewhere and they come about from creation, such that the insperation causes the recurrence of their natures, although they can be different in shape, their nature aswell.

The properties of these four elements are quite unique and dependent on their shape:
  1. Glutrine : Reptile of water, thing of motion and the quality of fire and liquid.
  2. Melling : Vine of the stone, thing of growth and expansion, quality of the earth.
  3. Ventrix : Bellowing of the tear, Thing of the healing in the thought, quality of the wind.
  4. Acsume : Fruit of the paint, thing of the creativity in workings, quality of paint.

Thus we have our basic hints for the understanding of the physical systems of this reality and their potential uses could very well become appereant soon.

The first element, Glutrine has the power over motion and the fires and waters of the ring, thus it is the substance in which we study the qualities of those things and their relationships to motion.

Melling is the second element and is the thing of growth and expansion within the element of the earth, this is what we learn of its kind and this is what we gain from it as a plant of growing form.

Ventrix is the following thing in nature, the repairity of the things we think and see, the quality of the lowing and cool air aswell. We look into these things to heal our powers without energy, this is key.

The final element when put in more detail ( Acsume ) has power of the working itself, the additional and the creativity of its forms, it is the paint, the color and the form. Through this comes the diversity.

Put in essence, each element has a rule bound to it that enforces the usage of the physicality to create the nature of the world we see, through the substances it permits, this limit causes us to think within its guidelines to find things to build. Following this I will list a few limitations of the elements we observe, before working out an object from them.


  1. Motion
  2. deconstruction
  3. cleaning
  4. erosion
  5. reflecting
  1. Growth
  2. Expansion
  3. Seeding
  4. Reproducing
  5. Pathway
  1. Healing
  2. Blowing
  3. Dropping
  4. Twisting
  5. Temperance
  1. Painting
  2. Shaping
  3. Shading
  4. Forming
  5. Creating
Those are the limitations of our world, within this exploration the existence we have, we are limited to these functions to open up the world we live in after traveling there, thus we will use this system of physics to construct an object.

However, note that their are two more posts before the reduction of the system, thus we will preplan to write of more details to the physics to open up more wonders of the system and set out to find a secret goal of mine within this structure already present.

What shall we construct through the rules we have laid out? Let us look below to find out.

Our selected limitations are reflecting, pathway, dropping and shape and it created:

An inconspicuous jar of paperclips

This is what it created, a strange object that was built from the rules of physics we devised, what it is is a jar tht stores information in paperclips through morse code, by using two shapes to represent the word memory as something other then that.

It is useful for storing important or secret information within something reletively inconspicuous and was generated using the words above, because thats how it works.

Lets do another one! The words are:

  • erosion
  • reproducing
  • twisting
  • shading

Using these words, associations and shred, we created:

A rusted shade

A strange object structure I cannot really make with my rescources, atleast in its complete form, as it would require paint or nanotechnology at the shortest length. What it is however, is shadow that takes on a rusty appearence rather then a black like appearence. 

This could be done in an unmoved fashion with paint, or in a more complex world actualy moving particles that detect shade sufficiently.

In any case, the idea is defined as the above picture attempts to replicate and thus is still an interesting idea thats been brought closer to reality.

Lets try two more! The words are:

  • Motion
  • deconstruction
  • cleaning
  • erosion
This was taken from a single Geojewel

I am not making this one physically because it isn't that interesting, but it inspired a long tube used to blow dust around and thus is a strange opposite way of sweeping/vacumming the floor although I imagine you'd be out of breath after a while, similar constructs are work vacuums where you suck in the dust, but a portion of the set up blocks breathing in the dust.

The last one is as follows:

  • reproducing
  • twisting
  • forming
  • expansion
This one is suprising because I'm genuinely unsure why these aren't already made often.

Put simply they are just preshaped balloons for parties and the like that when blown up take on a shape specified, rather then requiring to be folded into one or not at all. This could be done through shaping the latex accordingly. I cannot make this myself due to not knowing how.

The conclusion!

With the help of any physical limitation we can create special worlds and substances within them, even though the greater world permits more then that single world, but it is the pregiven limitation for your world that creates it in a specific way, permitting travel across many brod universes!

I personally however enjoy exploring and studying their differences.

3.2 Object creation through domain exploration

While we've passed this corner of the world before, in the previous essentialisation, we didn't focus on its utility to enough of a degree. Thus let us explore the creation of objects for the uilding of new domains, through the use of the domains themselves.

As we know, our domains are:


They are the essential tools for bringing the idea of an object back to the earth, from it's origin in our thought domain, what we definitely need for this is an object and their are several easy ways to develop an idea of an object.

These tools are called generators, because they permit the creation of new concepts, per their selected portions. However to keep entertaining my mind, we will set out to find something beyond our previous discoveries and try to build the object as simply as possible.

Thus we will use a desire generator, through which I will begin to describe the object of interest. Our desire generator will function by taking basic words of description as anchors and locate something that fits their description through additional words and association.

the words used are as follows:

Something interesting
Something useful
Capable of change
Able to be used with other objects
Capable of definition

From here we attempt to locate an object that fits the definition by adding more to the words:

Something interesting -> in artwork
Something useful -> in creating
Capable of change -> Through modification
Able to be used with other objects -> Such as paper or clay
Capable of definition -> Creates detail

Our resulting object of interest are:

Shaping shapes, shapes used for creating certain preoccured details to artwork or clay with a large variety of difference.

Thus we have a defined tool of interest that hasn't really been used before, although I imagine artists have used similar tools before. These objects come in a variety of forms and are used for making different shapes on paper or in clay, in the manner of tracing them.

We must now attempt to have the idea arrive on earth and the best way to do this is to use shred, which is a concept that revolves around shredding failed ideas on how to bring the idea to the earth. What you do essentially is try to figure out how to make it work, with the first idea and following ideas based of your limitations. A helpful addition is also using the five domains of basis as a direction to travel in. Thus we do what we claimed to show an example:

Shaping shapes are to be located within the visibility domain, this means objects within visibility will greatly encourage the manifestation of this tool.

From there we realize that while we could make shapes through sculpting them with clay ( ironic ) we do not have clay in this case and thus we shred that idea and move on to something easier to acquire based on our limitation.

We could use objects we find within the outdoors to better find random shapes to create both texture and shape within our object creating or in this case location.

Thus we have two options that are reletively attainable (although they are different for sure)

All we need for the traceable objects is 3dimensional shapes, thus we have acquired a means of getting them through locating 3dimensional shapes in the outdoors, this is relitively inexpensive as well, costing only a walk of exploration.

However, lets try a different example, after noting that one must be careful to ensure the idea actually functions and sometimes this takes experimentation to achieve.

Our second example is as follows:

Something collectible -> Small object
Something functional -> Useful for magic
Something with usefulness -> can be decoded
Different color combinations -> potential for different results
Capable of unique versions -> collected and different
Geojewels, small clay or other maliable materials that form interesting geometric and collectible shapes which are used for various uses including magic spells or generating things from them.

These are quite simple to make, although they require the same root of travel towards their manifestation as the shaping shapes, whats different about them is their tought domain quality, which enables them to be used for other perposes beyond art shaping.

Thus these objects are required to lead to a connection in the thought space while we already know the visible space, let us travel to that location and use the very tool we have already made as a means of creating magic and generative capacities to these objects.

If we had an orange Geojewel , with yellow spots on it and green specks, we simply have to list them out like we did to generate our previous two topics and locate a magic and object based of the description:

Orange -> Energy and Fire
Yellow spots -> Wealth and Power
Green specks -> Drawing in and Transforming

We now have two things in one, that are optionally usable for either purpose. The first is the Geojewel itself that draws in wealth and energy, for use in both locating money and as a battery of sorts for other magical workings and a new invention that follows from the second idea inside the Geojewel.

Which is:

The tools for making fire artwork as a working study of interest.

Thus it is the study of making semi-flamable objects for use in fire artwork, studying the four main groups of substances required, we know that we require metals, meltables, flamables and chemicals for changing the color of fire.

We know this because we asked what could possibly be required for that idea to work and realised exactly what we needed for the tools in question.

Essentially if their is anything to learn from this topic, it is the four points that follow:

  1. Using generators to locate objects like the described desire.
  2. Using shred in relation to domains to know how to acquire the object of interest.
  3. Modifying the way we use generators creates new versions of generators.
  4. Using this in tandem with planetary travel allows for the beginnings of world creation.
Summarising each sentence to finish this off:

We use a generator by writing down groups of words and then try to find something within that specific set of words that can be built, sometimes using shred to locate the functional version that we can construct and or make ourselves without other requirements.

Shred is the capacity to locate through reducing errors a functional form of the oject desired or locating an oject that is possible in our current location. We do this by trying to make the object in our head and resolving the problems relating to it.

Generators are of many kinds, as we saw with both the default given one and the geojewel example, in simplicity generators are anchored ideas used to orient a new idea into being, by giving yourself rules of construct, wich both limit and unlimit your creative power.

While we aren't covering the whole concept of planetary travel and objects in tandem in this blog post, we will in the next, although in simplicity it is the designing of a world through both locating a planet and using objects on that surface that can carry themes and greater goals.

Finally, we know that we should spend time working on generating things we actually want and working on those topics of interest, rather then trying to make just anything at all.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

3.1 Greater essentialisation of previous 2 parts.

This will recure the information of the last two parts within the direction of simplification and communication towards a reality that is understood at a better approach to earth ( human understanding )

Thus it may seem repetive but simpler.

We define a domain as a portion of reality with relating domains in reaction and their are two forms reaction we have discussed ( bond and interaction )

A bond is a middle ground between the two domains and an interaction is best described as two objects working together seperately.

An example will follow that is relevant to the whole topic aswell.

The domains sky and earth are in interaction, earth sits in sky and moves through it seperately.

However their is a third domain between the two called skyearth, this is the bond between the two domains and is our physical ( or visible ) location in the three domains.

These are the three domains we know as the macroscopic universe.

However we also know of our basic anchored domains of reality, these are our five base domains of interaction. These five are as follows:

Visibility: The defined domain of the perception, our five senses of knowledge of the outside world.

Thought: The mental domain of thinking within which we attempt to gather greater knowledge of reality.

Change: The domain that shifts in time, the motion of something in reality that is like that and then like this.

Size: The non-visble domain based on size itself that is destinct in being invisible from our own size without tools of greater or smaller vision.

Reaction: The domain of interaction and bonds between any other domain that has varying effects on reality dependent on the different relating domains.

💥What I am trying to do with these two concepts is show how they relate to travel within the domains, and specifically travel within the domains of sky, earth and its bond.

💢I will try to do this as simply as I can.

To do that I should define a new domain, the domain of travel that is inside the five domains.

Travel: To travel through a domain, each domain interacts with travel in a different way. To journey across a domain is to travel through its own linked domains towards the domain of interest that is the goal.

Thus when I discuss travel I am meaning that I am on my way to another domain, from our basic 5 domains of interest. In this manner, I travel in one or multiples of those five domains to arrive at the destination I was looking for.

Each domain is traveled in another way from another domain, thus I will show you how each of the five domains are traveled, then discuss the 3 domains I am traveling too.

Visibility is traveled through by feeling and walking, you walk through the visibility to arrive elsewhere that is seen ( this is the most obvious form of travel )

Thought is the second simplest form of travel, one thinks of something to travel to that thought, one looks for a means of ideas by thinking until they find the idea.

Change is a complicated form of travel, because it travels on its own, a thing changes in time, the book turns later. Travel to previous change locations is done through several means, but the shortest root is memory.

Size is traveled by looking at larger or smaller things, through the use of a telescope or microscope. One travels across size by shanging the size of view. Thus it isn't diffuclt to travel through.

Reaction, is traveled through itself, one bonds or interacts other domains to journey through them correctly towards other domains. What is interesting is the ability to know the root to a domain, from its initial travel directions by comparison and reaction.

You may understand what I mean, because it is true in each case that these things function as described, what you may not know is that they can be used to travel to any destinct destination.

How is this done? Quite simply, one asks where a domain is within the other domains. Thus one asks where sky is within another domain, to know where it is in that domain.

For example:

Where is Sky in the size domain?

It is found within the larger portion of reality.

Where is earth in the reaction domain:

It is found in the gravity and small size domain, because earth is made of atoms clumped together by gravity.

Thus through knowing the locations of travel within domains, you can journey towards other places in those domains, which leads us to the means of travel within the sky, earth and skyearth domain.

Thus we can try to travel to the moon, through the three domains, from our position in the five domains. Thus lets ask how we go from our visible domain, to the moon domain through the other three domains:

Sky: To travel to the moon from the visible domain through the sky, requires that we take a spaceship to arrive on the moon.

Skyearth: To travel to the moon from the visible domain through the skyearth, one must locate an area with white and grey stone that fits the description of the moon.

Earth: To travel to the moon from the visible domain through the earth, requires locating a cavern with white and grey stone and descending into it.

What is interesting is that Skyearth and Earth are the shortest root consectutively, compared to the sky direction, from atleast the visible.

The last context of this subject is the travel within travel and its relationship to traveling through reality. These concepts are called ascent and descent.

Ascent therefore is the travel upwards into another domain, while descent is returning that domain to understanding from the confusion.

For example: 

Ascent is always confused and unexplicaple, because I am looking for a root through the domains, thus it is contradictive.

Descent is more like this post, in which the information is located and contained and makes more sense within its connection.

Therefore, this descent is the new baseline of explanation for the circumstance of this blog.

Following this, we will explore object creation within Domain travel, another relation of exploration.

2.5 SkyStone and simplification

Having ascended to a new local zone due to requiring a variable of information ( domain travel ) in the context of the planets, we must now simplify both the origin of the idea and then simplify the whole explanation to something worth explaining. Due to the previous posts being difficult to reference.

2.4🌎Thus the answer is the problem and answer that is being both able and unable to go to the moon. Through its tiny and in another also unconstructible in single person nature, without access, I must locate a seperior planet domain of interest, using the skyearth switcher. We will explore the skystone next blog post.

1🔲💢We can only see the moon on earth in small sections, due to being unable to construct larger domains of the moon. Still even though we can't build the skyearth switcher the same way we did in imagination ( the large cavern world with water portal ) we can construct a smaller skyearth switcher, called a skystone.

1⚡While we can't as a single person build a skyearth switcher in the likes of the one previously shown ( cavern behind water portal ) their is a simpler means of changing orbits of the panets.

1🔲Through coincedence we can alter the orbit of the dominant planet in question, by using a sky stone and peices of the planets in question.

2💢The color of something is related to the planets in question because they are linked by the deeper particle qualities that make that color.

2⚡Not the atom, rather the destinctions beyond the atom that cannot be observed directly and may not be linked at all except through light.

2🔲Simplified, a color is always like the planet that has the same color, because they look similar.

3💢Thus we can use color to coincedently locate other colors so long as the orbit is permitted in the change domain ( time )

3⚡Coincedence requires action to produce, and seeking to find.

3⚡The orbit requires the chance to find a certain color to be correct.

3🔲If we want to find larger portions of the planet, we need to raise our chances through knowing when the locations are best suited to be found and where they could be located, within a time frame that raises likelyhood.

3🔲For example, when it is snowing their is a high chance of finding the moon. But not a high chance of finding large quantities of red or yellow ( mars and venus ) however, a single variable change will change this ( lighting) because a light changes the color of the snow.

3🔲Simples explaination, colors change in environments across time, depending on the environment, the color and the time, different potential means of travel to other planets are available.

4⚡A sky stone is a form of magic, similar to spin the bottle that effects those chances in a non-direct way. Because it raises a coincedental chance of encounter with a location of its chosen kind later in time. It can be helped to locate it yourself by seeking it out after it has chosen its potential.

4🔲A skystone is essentially a rock of anykind that you place between other rocks of different colors, you spin the rock and whichever rock it points to is the planet that is located somewhere near you, that is accessible.

5💢This is the simplest form of a skyearth switcher, which is a system for altering the orbit of planets in the area.

💥While I could design a skyearth switcher in completion right now, I will save that for another time, due to it being a complicated invention.

5⚡Therefore, we can now begin to explain more detail about the general abilities of travel within the domains of reality, through the use of domains like the skyearth.

💢Skyearth is the space between the sky and the earth that we live in, but we percieve it through the visibility domain, what I was talking about in previous topics, is that the skyearth is made of visibilites that travel across its spherical plane.

This drawing then makes sense:

💢because our lives are situated between the whole of existence and a single existence. The relevance is that the sky shows us more of existence and we can enter it through journey across the skyearth, due to the earth being of one kind and the sky being of every kind.

💢Because the skyearth is made of its visibility, since we see that portion, what we see in the visibile portion is related to what we say it is and what it looks like, thus the appearence is what matters, in relation to other planets.

💢Since we look at the moon and know it is white, we find the moon between the one and all in the places that are white.

⚡Trying to clairify, the moon is not on earth, but in the sky, yet we live between the two, thus the moon is located between the two in our eyes, rather then in the earth.

🔲The moon is wherever the sky is, the sky is met with the earth at the edge of the earth, we live on the earth and can see the similarity, thus when we see the sameness of white and the moon we enter the moon.

💥In the following blog post and part, we will describe the greater connections of travel within the domains, beyond the travel of the basic planetary bodies and attempt better definitions of the domains we use as starting points of creation.

2.5🌎Thus in conclusion of this location of descent, from a second ascent, we know that earth is uniqued by our capacity to see the other planets, within its own planet, through our own study of the other planets and can control this shifting of planetary bodies on the earth to a very limited degree with skystones.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

2.4 Explanation of a Skyearth Switcher

The previous blog post described a form of skyearth switcher relating to the previously mentioned journey to the moon, which relates to the visibility nature in whole addition of those groups.

This is a further explanation of the relationship between a visibility domain and a skyearth switcher, thus the goal is to explain the connection between these two topics and how they effect each other, with a further goal of knowing other principle natures of these things.

💥Thus we shall check the meeting ground of these two domains.

💢The existence of visibility amounts represents the amounts of locations that are present in the skyearth location between the sky and the earths. Specifically the skyearth, in this location or domain of being that relates to each other sky and earth. The drawing below explains what I mean.

💢The light blue portion is the skyearth, when we change the local skyearth switcher, we change the link beyond the sky or the earth in relation to the one we entered from.

💢The eyes are the visibilities within the skyearth, each is a component of the one in topic.

🔲The eye is as the particle of the skyearth, but not the sky or the earth. You are one of those eyes.

⚡In the visibility domain, the earths and sky are the same, because of the visibility is between them and in relation creates several potential domains of sky earth, entering the link of travel between one sky earth and another we discover that the border can be switched according to the usage, but not directly accessed from across it.

🔲Put simply, you can get to the moon, but cannot enter it, without another portion of approach, what we do have however is a means to switch which first initial locations are relevant in the sky earth system and what they mean in distance past them.

⚡We know that to actually arrive on the moon, we require a different size, which requires a length of time.

⚡We require knowing what the use of the change of the switch does, this is required to use the switch at all. Since it is random in nature it implies time potentials of different planets in motion on earth (Venus, Mars and Moon)

🔲💢Let us clairify, the moon is not accessible in complete because its too small, but the location noted is available and permits switching when a use is found, therefore the moon was accessed but never landed and the lesson is that we need a bigger peice of a planet, to find the smaller root.

🔲We were able to see but not switch to the moon essentially. Because the the moon was too small and betweened.

💥If we want to make a direct link, we need to find a bigger portion of time space domains or build one from scratch. Currently I can only find one, but I can learn a tool from the switcher that may help me find one.

🔲As it indicates the one in orbit at the time. Unfortunately it lacks a true locator.

2.4🌎Thus the answer is the problem and answer that is being both able and unable to go to the moon. Through its tiny and in another also unconstructible in single person nature, without access, I must locate a seperior planet domain of interest, using the skyearth switcher. We will explore the skystone next blog post.

2.3 What shall we do once we've been to the moon?

🔲💥Having been to the moon from the orientation of the basic 5 directions of domains, through having entered a visility range, we discover that we can infact journey across the cosmos of existence. However, the journey there was quite unstable and loosly connected. I saw many people walking around and little moon. Thus, how could we create a better entry point into to the moon that results in the same kind of experiece, with less confusion and people?

1⚡We will build a wiser bridge to the moon, using the photo's as thought inspirers of travel.

1💢Our first end is complete and we have another domain to enter, the earthsky ( between visible and size ) through a new means, beyond a puddle of water. (Water is among the sky by the way.)

1🔲So how can we build an entrance to another portion of the earthsky, within the local earthsky?

2💢Using water and stone.

2⚡We build a doorway out of stone and leave a straigth line of space at the top and a larger way out at the bottom , in which water flows down from above and creates a between sky zone.

2⚡Through this door we are led to the between greater world of skyearth, however the door must be tuned to the exact location in the skyearth, to better locate ourselves, if we don't we'll end up in this location of sky earth.

2🔲We surround the other side of the doorway with stone of the colors grey and white that lead to larger rooms of these stone arrangements.

3💢But we aren't trying to reach the stones, but use them as travel to the location of the moon that is in the specific and small hole. Thus we've merely created a place of travel between the two. However we could use the truth to locate the world we wish to enter.

3🔲Thus we make the specific entry point black, then tunnel through is therefore darker then the rest and leads out of the cavern into a brighter place, the hole smooths out and leads to a shrinking wall, where in the tiny ditance is part of the moon, up near the ceiling. In an inbetween sort of way.

4💥A drawing could be interesting:

4🔲This picture is meant to be kind of an x-ray version of the thing i'm discussing, to do that you'd need to create a window infront of the sky wall and behind the door. You'd have the camoflage the sky with the right color or have it inside.

Essentially this uses the visibility domain as a value of travel to the moon and their are several ways within that, but I'd like to discuss other travel domains aswell, within a limited range.

💥Specifically a small size time domain, because time can advance and size that is smaller can be used as a location in travel, through other domains of interests aid, but this is a distant reality.

5⚡Therefore, now that we've taken the insperation and created a functional map of how to construct the domain in visibility, we have several options of what to do next, we will try to do all three to some degree.

  1. Make a video game about it
  2. Find something to do in the domain
  3. Bring it to earth
We will go in the order, 2->1->3

5💢We will now finish the specific domain use aspect of this direction, as we travel to the moon in thought rather then visibility.

5🔲What can we do on the moon?

6⚡We can jump higher, but we aren't on the moon in the travel direction, rather we're between the moon and not, thus can we jump higher or is it something else?

6💥💢We are able to alter the orbit of the moon, displacing the whole location of exit, in two directions ( towards venus and mars ) this also has an effect on earth. In a manner like the world moved away from the moon.

6🔲By jumping we swap the attached world from the moon to either venus and mars. The appearence is similar but unique to this location, but appear down other passages.

7⚡We locate a means of hiding the moon, venus and mars within the upper portions of the cavernous skyearth and have a way of detecting jumping. ( Such as cameras )

7🔲💢 Our set, contains a doorway with water, a cavernous inbetween and a three planets to swap attachement to. We have created a new domain of use ( a skyearth inbetween switcher ) that could oneday have phsyical properties.

2.3🌎We have made some progress in our ascent towards another reality relationship, still we require constructing the interface for exploration within a videogame. Yet, what we are constructing is a skyearth inbetween switcher, which we will use for other things down the line. Essentially, the skyearthinbetween links to the moon, venus and mars and can only swap between them. We will refer to one of these as a Skyearth switcher and head out to construct it in the virtual.

Edit: I can't currently make a videogame because it isn't working, thus the next topic will go a slightly different direction.

2.2 Journey to the moon...

This is the photographic view of my travels to the moon, i'm not quite sure how long it took.

However, I will try to retrace my steps across the journey.

Took this photo while crossing the skyearth, towards the larger stones at the bottom of the picture, notice the edges of the trees as I enter the sky.

As I got closer I noted the stones of white and grey, the many kinds in reality and saw the options on the root towards the moon. This is the grey and white domain.

Getting very close I entered a tiny hole in the one of the grey stones, towards the black sky of space.

As I leavethe small hole and come out the otherside I take this photo between the grey stones and the moon. Unfortunately my finger got in the way...

Then I arrived on the moon, still slightly stuck between the two sides of the earthsky. But because I couldn't go farther in that direction ( the ceiling above the moon) I couldn't get closer. So I zoomed in with my phone too get as close as I could. 

🔲However, on my journey I realised I didn't explain the exact uses of Visibility within this specific means of travel, although it is now clear that it was totally related to perspective of visible things within the earthsky domain, which is a slightly different domain then the visible one because its the whole visible one. That can be accessed by the visible one.

This is an example of a bond between earthsky and visibility that is related to size aswell.

2.1 The ascent to anywhere from the basis. (Walking to the moon.)

1⚡Once we've gained a level ground of orientation, we can go anywhere within the domain spaces, across any length of distance, the only requirement for this is time and work. Once a direction is set we can begin ascent towards its reality from the original basis of domains (visibility, change, size, thought, reaction) and we can construct forms of utility with very simplistic effort, or in raising the grandiosity, raise the level of utility.

1⚡I must select a level of reality to travel too, to begin venturing there in the physical mental domain.

1💢Thus I have selected the moon as my first goal of interest, but not the moon in the sky. Rather the whole form of the moon and its life. Therefore we shall take the machine of spacetime ( the domain basis ) towards the destination from it's earthly origin.

1🔲Because to descend from the abode, I must show how I arrived in the nothingness, from the basis of life on earth.

2💢However, I will go there by walking there and not taking a space ship other then the machine of domains permitting me to circumvent the limitations of life that don't exist unless I place one there.

2⚡Thus I will give myself a safety limit, I cannot fly there in my location of domain (time: present)

2🔲The limit to my current circumstance is the inability to take a spaceship as per it's definition. Thus I will use a machine of spacetime. To construct a root to the moon.

3💢The moon is located in the sky and so we must find the sky in the timespace, to begin finding our root, therefore we will find the difference between sky and earth. One is solid and stable, the other is empty. Interestingly, the sky and earth have a bond between them called earthsky. We know that the earth is not the same as the sky, but meet in the middle of each other.

3💢That middle earthsky, is the visible domain in which the two are the same. Thus the moon is like this too, between its earth and sky.

3⚡Both are connected by the link between each other and effect each other, through that links domains, the middle ground is made of earth and sky because the earth in either case is a solid. Solid is the same substance thus we are approaching the moon.

3🔲Earthsky is connected by the case that solid is found in both the moon and earth, this orients where we are in the world compared to the moon at any time

4💢So long as a solid exists where we are, the moon is close, however the sky is also required and it is empty on the moon and made of gas on the planet. But they are linked by color, in the black.

4⚡The solid and the black, thus connect the two domains and the the solid is connected by white and grey. Essentially the link is in the solid that is grey and white and the sky that is black that we find the moon.

4🔲So I just need to follow the journey there from that link, but where do I go once I'm on the moon and what is the map?

5💢The map is skyearth, solid grey and white and sky black. One more link suggests their is no building in sight, only feilds of grey and white.

5⚡So I just need to find a place that is only feilds of grey and white and walk their by following the angle from earth basis.

💥But how does one actually arrive?

5🔲By venturing to the skyearth, from within our sky earth and following the solid grey until we reach the black sky and find the feilds of grey and white.

🌎In final, we will exit the earth and travel to the moon by following its links on the earth and take a photo, before returning here and posting them on the internet. We will also do this during the day, limiting us further.

That will be post 2.2

1.5 The essentialisation

💥This is an attempt at essentialising the 4 previous posts into one system of reality, thus it will be a review of domains, their interactions and bonds within the ability to direct them towards ends of desire.

💢It will not diverge from the basic concepts and will be the essential key of the discussion which will replace the previous 4 as the better understanding.

⚡Their are 4 parts to this post, domains, their interactions, their bonds and the direction of desire.

The symbols next to paragraphs mean:

⚡New information relevant
💢Lacking information relevant to context
🔲Tried to simplify ideas previously mentioned
🌎Reference from previous posts
💥New idea not relevant to previous information
⚓Relevant to domain anchors of reality
💭Produced idea of new kind of domain


Domains are anything made of other domains, this means a domain is composed of other subject objects in relation the the original domain selected from a pool of infinite. Domains are modular portions of reality that exist separately or together.

As an example:

Math is composed of numbers and both are domains. Neither is required to be together in all circumstances but is required for the existence of math.

An anchor is a specifically focused group or single Domain of interest within the infinite amount. One anchors to a domain through focus on it, in either physical(in location) or mental terms (thinking about). 

My anchored domains of interest, from which I then travel to other domains of reality are as follows:

  1. Visibility
  2. Change
  3. Size
  4. Thought
  5. Reaction
Each is defined as the basic definition of what those words mean and are considered different domains of reality, different directions of travel within a multiverse of potential directions.

Each can react or interact with any other, this creates an infinite regress of possible directional relationships, and more domains are excluded to keep this blog remotely approachable from different perspective domains.


An object next to something else is in interaction, for example this computer is next to me and the two interact through contact between them, but do not bond, thus they are separate domains. Interactions are always separate domains be them physical or mental in nature ( art is separate from science )

Interactions are never a bond and behave separately from another domain. Visibility is not Size, because size is outside the range of the visible domain ( the paper is in the visible domain because it is visible, round earth is within the size domain because it is larger then the visible domain)

Interaction itself is part of the Reaction domain.


Any domain can bond with another, thus their are 600 more domains created from the bond of the five anchored domains, each of the 600 domains can also bond with any other, because of this their are infinite domains.

An example of a bond is: 

Visibility + Size = Size visibility ( Visibility in different scales )

A bonded domain is a separate domain from its predecessors and any other.

💥Depending on the used domains, a reality of something is different, the reality of something is based on its anchored domains.

Bonds are part of the reaction domain.


In directing a desire, one takes their desired ability or domain and locates the root to take towards that domain direction, using at least interaction and bond plus the knowledge they know on a those domains.

For example:

If one wants to make a sofa, they know it is located somewhere in the visible domain and the size domain of their knowledge, thus you have a beginning location (Visible and Size domain) and an end goal (Sofa domain).

Using the different domains selected as a starting point, in bond and interaction, you create the domain you seek by entering the domain of visible and size and finding the correct visible shapes and sizes required, ensuring to study the requirements within the rules of the domains selected.

In selecting the shapes and sizes, you then move on too substance of those shapes, until the domain has been created.

Any potential idea that exists, is present within the domain reactions ( bonds and interactions ) however the are other domains that can be understood later within the reaction domain.


🔲Using a domain and a direction to travel in, you study bonds and interactions of domains to construct a new domain. 


💭A thing that spins and does not spin.

⚓Visible and Change domains -> Locate something that visibly changes and does not -> An example of a thing that spins and does not is a fidget spinner.-> Things orbited by another while not moving and attached to the orbiting portion is something that does and does not spin.

💢Making something cease to exist.

⚓Visibility domain is related to our knowledge of existence-> Reducing visibility causes an object to cease to exist.-> Simplest root is to carry object outside the visible domain in some cases -> other cases included->Examples of objects ceasing to exist include your shadow, your anything around the corner.

Lets bond these two domains, to create a new domain:

💢A thing that is both spinning and not spinning and can cease to exist.

Visibility, change and its interaction with existence are relevant -> if we take a fan and hide one wing from view, either with a wall or transparency we find ourselves with this kind of defined object -> Natural objects in this category include: the center of a galaxy due to black holes, a whirlpool because of the air and tornado's, all for similar reasons, they spin and can in locations cease to exist.

💥Lets construct a non-existent center of spin ( like a black hole or tornado.)

Visibility, change and its interaction with existence are relevant -> easiest root would be a cloth spinning with a central hole in the center, the hole in the cloth is lower then the edge of the cloth and the cloth spins from the outside, this is placed on the floor and things fall into the hole. Here's a drawing.

💢The yellow line represents what is causing the top of the blue cloth to spin, it is hidden below ground where the things that descend into the blue cloth also go, but deeper so. The spinner is mostly a set of wheels attached to hooks on the bottom of the loop, which are held in place by the holder and spinner on four sides.

I'm not sure if that was a good explanation, as it is difficult to describe various locations of the parts involved. 

💭But it could be used as a wormhole to another world, if I expanded the pursuit to whole other world.

1.4: Cornerstone of the anchor

1.1🌎Places containing objects are in this view other worlds based on what is within them. To arrive at a new location in the multiverse of things, we reduce the non-functional versions of the objects in question. Knowing what object we seek permits us to get there with the help of reduction through shred. A means of locating a thing to travel to, is a whaling ( a thing we don't know ). This is a form of reaction between and unknown and a guess. Defining an interest or groups interest creates different anchors, each anchor is a basic root of guidance knowledge, through which we inquire to access parts of the world that do not yet exist in the physical world.

1.2🌎Thus, a domain is information that is either mental or physical, domains are actions of mental or physical reality. Timespace travel is going through different domains. Domains are 4 dimensional objects, containing objects and time. Different domains have different laws and thus if laws define the reality we live in, then different domains are different worlds.

💥Bound together through their different similarities.

7💢Thus the creation of new domains creates new worlds.

7⚡But their are issues involved that must be discussed from this simplified view.

7/1.2🔲🌎 The existence of separate worlds, creates tensions between worlds when a domain is denied existing by another while clearly being visible as what it is defined. This will be advancing the topic of chem reaction which was not explained in this post.

1.3🌎 A domain is a group made of itself ( other domains ) because all is a domain, their are an infinite amount of potential domains, starting from a base of 5 initial reactionary domains, or base numbers from 1-5. Each reacts with any other, thus their is an infinite production of domains or objects from the initial five that produce each other+ because every product produces more other.

1🔲Anchors keep us grounded within one world domain, a domain is a multidimensional group of domains that begin with five basic domains we can know, that to some degree we all agree exist in some form. Domains create other domains through bond reactions.

💥What we want to do is simplify and detail the domain anchors, to keep one grounded.

2⚡Remember that an anchor is a specific domain that we use to know the rest.

2⚡The anchor I am using, is this one of 5 domain directions, which is made of these basic directions.

  1. Space
  2. Time
  3. Atoms
  4. Mind
  5. Reaction
References to the anchor will have an anchor next to it.⚓

2💢While their are other anchors of domain, this is the group I am using as my basis of understanding. Their is a reason why domains related to the divine are not included. Because they cannot be agreed and thus are a side of ones own domains, this is a basic stable ground of general earthly understanding, what is not included is an existent domain that is elsewhere in the domain spectrum.

2⚡Domains are part of a spectrum, they come in ANY forms. Consequence of a location is relevant to that location.

2🔲If you think something impossible, it will not be possible, if you think you can fly exactly now, in the sky, you will not fly because you never knew how unless you begin by knowing what functions in the most agreeable domains.

3💢Thus, you need to know science as it is described at the simplest level, to know what is not possible in this domain time.

3⚡We didn't know how to fly, but now we have airplanes. 

3🔲Thus you need to study, what is relevant to the subject of interest and test the situations visible appearances. ( Atom and Spatial domains ) after having noted the mental subject. 

⚓What follows are the five attempts at defining each domain I am now anchored too. We will rename them to distinguish the definitions we used to explain them. Because this is not the same domain.

Space: The visible portion of reality that we see with our eyes and know with our ears, what was considered the physical reality until atoms were discovered. The observable universe, without a microscope. Thus we will improve communication and call it visible, instead of space. 

⚓Time: The change in the visible or atom ( size ) that is not totally viewed at once but moves in itself ( time ) This is a basic attempt and will be advanced later. Time is the change, lets call it that.

⚓Atom: We will call this size because we will include tool related visibility as size ( thus this is both inclusive of large and small size ( the left and right of that direction).

⚓Mind, what we think of in our head, thus our thoughts on a subject, the analytical portion of reality that we use to explain things to ourselves ( and through a reaction of visible and it, others ) it will be called thought.

⚓Reaction: The way things work together to provide other capacities of use, but we will alter the name to compounds which meet to do new things they didn't do alone.

⚓Thus our anchors are:

  1. Visible
  2. Change
  3. Size
  4. Thought
  5. Compound
These are how they are referred within our thoughts and are our basic resource of directional travel within the time space domains.

💥What do we do now, that we have descended to the earths basic component details.
💥We go wherever we can travel too, from our knowledge essentials.

4⚡To do that, we find somewhere to go.
4⚡As a first example, we should do something simple, objective and useful but not known.

💥We can use those domains to orient the seeking of a goal and select it from the options.

5💢We do this by focusing on the simplicity, objectivity and usefulness domains ( within thought, visible and change ) 

5⚡Because I can note a link between those 6 natures. We can use a whaling to inspire it.

5🔲💢A simon wilk.

5⚡A simulated spin -> A emulation of a spin that is not spinning at all.

💥Define spin.

6⚡Turning in circles continuously panoramic turning.

6🔲Thus we must attempt to create a spinning non-spin, we do this by referring to our anchor and locating the direction to travel through, by knowing how they relate to each other ( Simon wilk and anchors )

7💢We can assume it's related to visibility and change, because we see spins and we see change, what we lack is the dial opposed existence of those qualities.

7⚡Dial opposed is defined as both sides of the description as opposites ( spinning and not ) 

7⚡ So we set out on our journey to this possibility.

1.4.1🌎This is a location of reference from this point past. Domains exist as points of possibility, knowing something about the domain is the direction traveled. Crossing the boundary of the point traveled, through what isn't possible, we achieve the possible version of a things definition within the possible means. Through reducing the incorrect assumptions of functionality.

In this case an object that is spinning and not. Through our knowledge of what is visible and what is changing ( and not ).

8💢What is visible and changes but does not?

8⚡Thus it is clear that I will need to explain how this knowledge of visibility and change in reaction to each other creates a simon wilk. As it is simply through perspective.

8🔲Thus we begin our first anchored reaction ascent, towards a simon wilk.

9💢The visible earth is a simon wilk, due to change in the larger size direction. Since the visible earth ( your city ) does not change its natural domain, while the earth spins in the larger size direction separately.

9⚡How is that the case in the simplest term possible?

9🔲Within the defined domains of existence that we selected as relevant to the effect, the size direction is in change ( planet earth is spinning ) however, the visible location that is your natural sight ( a totally different location ) is not spinning, since in the simplest terms your vision is not an accurate depiction of reality within the larger size domain, while being accurate to a lower size domain ( the visible )

💥But that is hardly a tested theory.

10⚡How do we test this theory?

10⚡By checking if spinning at different scales results in different visible domains.Lets ignore smaller sizes beyond bacteria due to it being complicated and alien ( perhaps not fully defined as a visible domain level at all )

10🔲Therefore we note that a ball can spin in several directions on earth, but we can only see the moon spin in space (ignoring sun because its bright)  and cannot even see the spin of the other planets or further the galaxy without proper equipment (and that is mostly long time lapse from a stationary location)

11💢This does seem to imply that time is also relevant in distance and size. Because spin does not appear the same in different change-> size-> visibilities.

💥Thus their is a time difference between visibility and size, through thought. Which means simon wilks are a thing. We were wrong about how they exist ( they exist due to visibility+thought in interaction with change )

11💢However you do not know the exact difference of addition and interaction within compounds because we have reached the complexity communication location issue. Meaning I must explain addition and interaction within the reactions of domains.

11🔲🌎Lets simplify and modify the reality view to this understanding within this cornerstone. Reactions are the way domains work together in their differences, their are two kinds of reaction, operators and interaction. This means visibility+thought is an operated result ( blend ) and an interaction is the relationship between two domains that exist.

12💢Operators are the domain reactions outside their separation, while interactions are reactions within separate domains

12⚡If an operated visibility thought, is a domain of reality between visibility and thought. Then it interacts with the separate domain change.

12⚡Visible thought ( vision ) interacts with change through separate domain location. Thus the variable vision depends on domain location of change relative to vision. 

12💢If the vision domain is not equal to the change domain and they are because change and vision are not the same domain. Then the world domain of vision ( which contains the nature of our visibility range and thought, but not the domain of size outside that range. Is a unique domain because it is not included in that domain ) then within the reason of the definition ( Domain ) the simon wilk exists, but only in a reality that denies the identical nature of size across change.

12🔲If a domain is not the same as another domain by definition, then the domain of simon wilks exist as the defined rule, that vision ( visibility blended thought ) is divided from the domain of size and change. Permitting the earth to be spinning and not spinning, through the link across the divide of vision, side and change, that is not the three in blending but in interaction of the three.

💥But this seems contradictory to you because you didn't understand the difference of a domain of interest. Which is that a domain has a different rule built from its selected domains, that can totally interact differently.

💥What can we do with a simon wilk, that we can't do with other things?

13💢Lets find out. We know that it can spin without spinning and this could be a very useful property in the visible domain, therefore we persue a use for a thing that spins without spinning in reality.

14⚡💢We can use them to cause light things to hover in orbits around the simon wilk. If we keep the two things interacting together using visible properties. Or atleast I think you could with specific visible properties. Their are two versions of this mechanism, only one that I could make if I set out to construct it. 

14🔲Essentially this is because anything that spins around something else that isn't moving is a simon wilk, from its relative perspective. Especially if the moving and not moving pieces are attached. Since a simon wilk is a means to emulate orbit at different scales and with different substances.

💥Therefore we conclude this portion with a simplification of the anchored physical information and idea symbol💭

🌎The 5 basic domains of reality, can interact or bond and these interactions and bonds result in different forms of possibility. Interaction creates separate relationships ( thought and visibility ) while bonds become new intractable domains ( vision ). Using the different interactions and bonds, we can discover new things by pursuing the basic idea or finding an idea within the interactions and bonds.

💭Simon wilks are objects that spin and do not, they are made by having one portion in motion, while the other is not, examples of simon wilks include the planet and the moon, fidget spinners or fans.


The four heroes arrived on the bridge, they saw many things done by Wildcard when he was a man and they studied one specifically, to attain something for themselves, they looked at the idea of domains, to better understand how the worlds functioned, but also to manipulate them. They listed the 5 domains once again:
  1. Space
  2. Time
  3. Atoms
  4. Mind
  5. Reaction
They then worked away from the ideas that lingered on the blog, with Vane studying the properties of those five domains and attempting to create a systematic understanding of them, in relation to each other.

He defined spacetime as the first relative relationship, where space and time were one and the same and did not related to atoms or mind. Spacetime, was the essential fermanent that the persomnia resided behind and thus the four heroes had to find a way there. space time, functioned by being both a space of dimensions and a motion of time in that space.

Atoms and Mind, represented the idea of Atominds, which represented the physical thing in spacetime and represented the body and souls that lived in it, acting through the space and time as it existed and past along itself, it is a distinctive part of reality.

Reaction, represents the reaction between Spacetime and Atominds, in which spacetime is relative to Atominds and vice versa, providing a chemical shift, that is unlike any other, because it changes things drastically with time, towards places of other space and time.

Hilisa worked to manipulate these 3 variables, towards some manner of utility, thus she began work by listing the limitations she did not have freedom in:
  • Spacetime cannot be controlled, merely lived within
  • Atomind, is manipulateable but distinctively alone
  • Reaction between the two creates only changes in it
She concluded that:
  • Spacetime can be controlled with distinctive reactions
  • Atomind is distinctively the key of controlling the other
  • Reactions on Atomind are the result of their own change.
Hilisa suggested they be manipulated accordingly, in space time, to provide a means of manipulating it, through atomind and thus manipulate atomind through spacetime.

Sugu, wanted to find a purpose for the manipulation of these domains, so she treated them like sprays and ascribed a meaning towards an end:
  • Wholsesome -> To fully fill in detail the ferminant of itself.
Thus sugu realized the manipulation of spacetime, could be used to create new kinds of space, through altering the atomind in a section of spacetime.

She concluded it could be used, but couldn't think of an example, but Pharath could:

Pharath thoughtthat different spaces provided different utility and could be measured with a diversity of imaginations, through which the space could be altered, thus he added to the idea of spacetime, saying it could curve or bend and that atomind provided this ability, through taking up space.

He stated that a hill is unlike a flat plane, much like a difficult idea is unlike an easy one, so the two can be used, to construct different landscapes of mind and matter. He pointed out that the bridge world could be seen as a map from one place to another.

This created its own memetic space and space-time that could be improved, through each other.

Pharath and friends then headed off to fight the monster, as they had crossed the bridge, into the ruins of: